
Full Version: Modzilla not so secure after all
You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. View the full version with proper formatting. News:- Mozilla, Firefox and the Thunderbird e-mail/newsgroup client have a security hole affecting Windows browsers, the Mozilla Foundation confirms.

The fix means "explicitly disabling the use of the shell: external protocol handler," says Mozilla, and involves:

A small download which makes the configuration adjustment for users.

Installing new releases for Mozilla, Firefox and Thunderbird.

Linux or Macintosh users aren't affected.

Microsoft is a big target. So you have lots of people going after and finding exploits in Internet Explorer. But there are people out there still looking to exploit flaws in the other browsers out there.
bah....i just went back to Linux today at home from XP.

I'll take my chances. I'm sick of the crap coming out EVERYDAY against Win32 users I deal with.
Did you know there was over 9000 viruses that came out in May??

Go Anti-Windows!!! We are still 34239823993829349 and 1.