
Full Version: CloudFuel's "Cute/Goofy" Pics
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Go Coogs
You're playing evil devil music with that guitar aren't you!! Mr.666 posts
You are my hero Cloud :lol:
welcome back cloudfuel

this picture is a screen shot to explain why FF made his comment, because as soon as CF post again the meaning will be lost
CloudFuel,Oct 13 2004, 10:35 PM Wrote:Go Coogs
Go go spiderweb:P
is that your kitten cloud? he is looking pretty comfy up there. ^_^
CloudFuel,Oct 13 2004, 08:35 PM Wrote:Go Coogs
Looks like the shocker to me.
lol 666... nice! Yea that's the shocker (dirty hand symbol), but it is also our (university of Houston) symbol... so yea... it's cool. Um the kitten "maggie" is a she and is indeed my kittie. Why am I your hero Quick? lol
i have that shirt in your first pic cloud.......what can i say you have good taste lolz
lol gooo old navy!
I believe I may as well :X