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The pain medication I'm now being coerced to take for my back leaves me incapacitated and irritable, so with time to kill I decided to get back into photoshop. The product was my new avatar, which unfortunately appears to be oversaturated in dark blue while the psd shows a metallic grey/brown. I'm going to try figure out how to fix the problem, but in the mean time any comments, or suggestions, would be highly appreciated.
Double post since I can no longer edit ;(. I messed around with the levels and color balance a bit giving me the changed avatar. Since I have to individually save each change and view it as a jpg for the correct color balance, I've decided to give up for now. I'll work on it later this week when I have the time, but any suggestions or comments would be extremely appreciated.
i like it:mellow:

i don't know how to use photoshop properly so i can't make a cool avatar like this. so: :thumb:
looks good to me, its not overly blue.
u r teh l33t ph0t0$h0p ma$t0r haX0r !!
Nice, liked it