
Full Version: Wich would you rather see
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none of them =O
well... i seen &quot;hise and seek&quot; and &quot;boogieman&quot;
and out of those 2 id rather see hide and seek....
Me and my friends find it somewhat funny that they spell it boogyman not bogeyman. Kind of like...

&quot;OW! Disco Stu is THE BOOGYMAN!! Watch out or his stunning moves will make you blind, If his shiny medallion doesnt first!!!&quot;

From that point of view its possibly the worst horror film concept ever. But I havent felt the urge to see to see anything since team america (now that was a gd film).
i never saw team america, but on a partially related note what's the deal with all the horror films that came out lately, did horror suddenly become the popular genre of film.
its easier to scare people then it is to entertain them with a good story plot
Hide and Seek - Hide from the movie, don't seek.

Boogeyman - Rent &quot;Darkness Falls&quot;, same story, but theres more action and different characters in Darkness Falls.

The Pacifier - Umm.. Why on Earth is Vin Diesel playing a 'babysitter' role... Thats like placing Jim Carrey in Hannibal as Hannibal Lector

I heard hitch and Hostage were good.