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How much stress you can handle can be determined by the following pictures.
while they are static, you may or may not see them slightly or really fast.
I see the ones in my periphery vision moving slowly the ones I look at straight on are not moving at all.
I have no idea what that means...but for those of you on mIRC you know what my life has been like lately ;)
picture two, this one moves the least for me

I notice if I relax they all move more....hmmmm
wonder if it has anything to do with the ugly colours they chose:lol:
I can actually make them moving all together if I think about it
lol I got exactly the results you discribed:o
I dont think you are suppose to stare at them, but look at the picture moving your eyes.

After awhile I either get a headache or nauseated. So uh.. What does that mean?
just out of interest, which way do the top ones spin? i get them anti clockwise...
for em they go both ways frooty
they move opposite the dark line on the side of each shape.
well I was sort of waiting until some of you replied to see if anyone sees them actually spinning fast

most crimimals do:)
I wonder if it has to do with your monitor, like the refresh rate or something.
Print it and you will see if it has something to do with that:P

It's just an optical illusion, nothing else. It has nothing to do with stress or criminals.:wacko:
and if you do psychedelics, here are some other things to trip to (i'll just add them here, whatever)

first three are ACTUAL PLACES on earth from an aerial view
i love psychedelic art and fractals
I've always been unable to accept that shading one.. so i tested it... here ya go.
Relinquish,Aug 31 2005, 12:30 PM Wrote:I've always been unable to accept that shading one.. so i tested it... here ya go.
I still can't believe why it is like that, it clearly looks very different even if you stare at them, but once you move them together it's the same shade.
little photoshop just cut the B out and put it above the A
ack head hurts pictures move only when im not looking at them..not to mention how this piccy filled thread took a while to load up, making the picture on top actually move when each new one got loaded