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Anybody do it? I have been for a few years although I have not gone very often. Today I started learning how to get air. I fell on the landings most of the time but I landed sometimes and I even landed any Indy:)The coolest part was when I was told to try the biggest jump on the terrain park we were at. I was told by my friend that you don't have to worry about approaching it fast, because the lip is so steep and long you lose all your speed. Well, I bombed it from the top of the run to the jump, and about halfway up the lip I realized I was going extremely fast. So I cleared the entire 10 foot jump and I'm told I got about 8 feet high. I didn't land it at all but it didn't hurt so it was all good. I tried it once more after that but I didn't get as far because I was a little more hesitent. Anyway, consider this my incoherent rant of the day.
I've been snowboarding for about 6 years now and it's probably my most favorite thing in the world to do. One of the biggest things I've learned in that time is, the longer you're in the air, the more time you have to stick the landing. :o

Noxious, got any good powder (no, not that kind of powder) where you're at? I live in Western Washington and our season is terrible this year :( At least I won't have any chiropractic bills hehe;)
When I'm rich someday... I'll be a snowboarder... yeah... :blink:
:/ lil face,Feb 18 2003, 11:19 AM Wrote:I've been snowboarding for about 6 years now and it's probably my most favorite thing in the world to do. One of the biggest things I've learned in that time is, the longer you're in the air, the more time you have to stick the landing. :o

Noxious, got any good powder (no, not that kind of powder) where you're at? I live in Western Washington and our season is terrible this year :(  At least I won't have any chiropractic bills hehe;)
I live in Portland, Oregon so I usually hit Mt Hood Meadows or Timberline on Mt Hood. I went to Timberline yesterday. It was a pretty good day to board. This season has not been great but yesterday was alright. Base was about 70" and it had been snowing hard for the last 2 days so there was a good 2 feet of fresh powder in the less riden areas:)It's so different because we generally don't get the good stuff so I'm used to riding on snow packed down to the level of ice. Only problem was it snowed pretty hard all day so I couldn't take off my goggles which I hate because they restrict my sight so much.
Snowboarding...? What is this snow thing you speak of. I think I heard of it once. The day L.A. goes below 70 degrees is the day that Reba is called an actress.
Just started snowboarding this year. 8th day today to be exact. I love goin in the woods trails, smokin and drinkin before goin down hills and the park. I love it. we found and off in teh woods trail that has the best gap in teh world...just need a lot of speed and its ahrd to get :/ but its fun as hell after that. done some rails and ate shit a lot. <--- lives in new york near buffalo, one of the best seasons to go snowboarding.
Noxious, hey neighbor I'm about 3 hours away, I live in Aberdeen Washington on the coast. I usually go to Crystal Mnt or White Pass because they're the closest. You live near some great Mtns, I envy you. Maybe one day we can meet up and ride together! I just got some cool Bugz goggles, I look like a bug in them :lol:
I haven't seen snow since I was like 8... up in Northern California... I wanna go to Big Bear eventually though B)
Pique > Rails scare the hell out of me. I was about to try one last time I went up. I was the third guy in the line for first rail in the terrain park. The guy that was going tried a backside boardslide and totally bit it. His face hit the rail and made quite a bloody mess. :wacko:So.... maybe next time.

:/ lil face > Yeah we have some real nice mountains here. I see Meadows and Timberline quite often (espically the former) in snowboarding videos. And though I've never got a chance to try it I hear Bachelor is one helluva resort.
Yeah, I really want to head up to Big Bear in the winter. I'll have to stick to Mount High for now.
What kind of gear do you guys like to ride? I have a 159 K2 Fat Bob which I need for my big feet and I have Clicker bindings and boots. I like the convenience, ease and the speed of getting in and out of the clickers, but I really do miss the added support of traditional freestyle bindings. I was thinking about getting them again.
I'm on a custom board I got. I'm not even sure who makes it. It says Buzz Bomb in small letters in between the bindings but I've never heard of them. Anyway, it's a promotional board for Union Bay (a clothing company) and it's a 156. It's pretty thin because I have small feet but also because I like thinner boards:)I've got normal strap in bindings, Burton Rays, and some Burton boots as well. I got the board (boots and bindings seperatly) for 50 bucks, and it rides extremely well for that price:)