
Full Version: GRITS HOUSE
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Ok since we were all talking in game yesterday about my house I thought I should share some pics
I dont have photo shop or any other program like that so I hope they are not too big
one pic is winter time 2 others summer time...note the foilage and you can sort of see the carriage house in the back of the one from the side
real fire in the fire gets cold here
inlaid hardwood floors and stained glass windows...

edit working on the pics to get them smaller I will repost when I have them fixed
you want paint shop pro 6 or 7?
let me know...ill give you a download link to me
if its ok yes please

let me try again someone helped me downsize them
House in winter/sping...note newly planted flowers
House in spring/summer
house in summer big yard that needs constant mowing in summer....lil??
Livingroom fireplace...there is one in my dressingroom upstairs and another in the library note real fire......ok you may also see the duralog box too.....but the fire is real just not the logs
This is the staircase that leads to the second floor with two of the 11 stained glass window I have in the house
Close up of the windows and the hall was built in 1883 and the windows were shipped from Boston...hmmm interesting
lots more to show but I wont bore you guys especially those that made it this far down the page ...thanks for letting be boast a little about my home :)
...and now for YOUR room!
Holy shit... nice house!
Very nice house:)
The second outside view reminds me of Psycho. :blink:

I think I hear mother calling. :lol:
I wonder how many days it takes you to mow your lawn.
MY GOD...that sounds soooo OVERLY sexual MAGOO !!!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH, oh dear lord! Too great! But yeah, sometimes when I talk my mind twists every other sentence I say around. :lol:
Very nice house, love the porch/deck, especially the gazebo part, and the mantel for fire place.
Now that's a house. Make sure it's not like Rose Red, trying to expand and all. Possesed houses can lead to nothing, but trouble. :blink:
i want that house!!!
that house is huge!!!
wait a min? didn`t you say that the one was in winter?
it looks like summer;)
very pretty house, I will post a pix of our abode soon.
So I guess were all moving to Omaha to fill Grits's lair. I can't wait for all of the fun we will have during our RC-Barbecues, our RC-Pillow fights, and of course our RC- Pool parties. Do you have a basement, Grits? We need a BIG room to fit 50 computers. Hmmm... looking again at that porch, we may get them outside for some outside-RC. That would be different :lol:

What's that? We can't all move into your house? :huh:

Only want how many? One?

Ok Great!! me = B) everyone else = <_<<_<<_<<_<<_<<_<:angry:<_<<_<<_<<_<<_<<_<<_<<_<
Ok I am going to have to post a picture of the carriage house is pretty empty upstairs but downstairs is used as a 3 car garage...where the stables were easily fits two cars and where the carriage was stored is sort of a workshop/garage where I park my truck....hmmm yeah I have a truck...would much rather have a PT Cruiser
where is the kitchen, my wife is diein to see, she loves your house.
The twelve year old puns aside, you have a very nice house GRITS:)


And here's me in my li'l flat, that would probably fit in the space occupied by just your fireplace :/