
Full Version: Handy Update batch file
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I am using the following batch file to get a rico server far it seems to be working...


HldsUpdateTool.exe -update ricochet . [email protected] password Y

Echo Update Failed!
Date /t
Time /t
goto :top


I'm confused as to how that ever would say it was successful since your never checking ERRORLEVEL and exiting the loop...

^^^^ Big batch file writer
I might be going out on a limb here... but, uh, how do you say it? J.. Jo.. Joe-oak?


Well, yes and no... you see, that is a perfectly legimate batch file... so it could be real.:)


except for the fact that "goto :top" wouldn't work... since it should just be "goto top" ... meh this batch file has more faults than steam!
The batch file was a quick way to keep trying to d/l my server files without doing it did work but steam never did d/l my files.


was that on linux or windows? I guess windows must ignore the : these days, DOS used to compain about it:)