
Full Version: CS Server Change
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I'm all for change, to what though I'm not even sure. With valve's "surprise" around the corner I'm withholding my vote until its revealed, even though I believe its going to be an official release for hl2dm.
NOOOO don't change I still play cs and do the vroom vroom some of us that don't or can't play hl2 still play cs and play on the server:P
ok let HL2DM come out....that is a definite server for me....those that have known me long enough know that was my first online game and I have been hanging on to all our servers so that Holdouts wont 'run out' when they actually put HL2DM online...might not be the CS server but we will have a HL2DM server for sure..

source server...either way doesnt matter much to me but I know I would play it more if more of you were playing it:thumb:
Id be on the cs server more iof there were people on it and/or it was 24/7 vroom vroom (basically all i play cs for).
VROOOOOOOM where are u Annatar when im in there HUH HUH???:P
I dont know where are you when im looking at the empty server??
So now that DM has come out Grits have you looked into it?
not yet
it has always been an ultimate goal to have a HL2DM server, I think I might wait for the bugs to subside some
I will contact Holdout's then and see what his plans are since I need to get something going. It will tide me over until a decent mod comes out or maybe DOD Source.
no no no we will just change one of the servers if you think it is ready for playing
I just thought it had a lot of bugs
Don't do it cause of me. That's not right or fair to anyone else.
that is not what I meant :)

I have 'hung on to' all the servers with the anticipation of having one or maybe even two HL2DM servers

I was looking for an opinion and knew you had already played and would know if it was ready. You are not the first to approach me about a HL2DM server just the first to say it here;)
Don't matter to me, I can't remember the last time I played even just one round of CS hehe
It was a couple of months ago on jeep rally.
[CAKE Wrote:anonymity,Dec 5 2004, 06:53 PM] It was a couple of months ago on jeep rally.
See I don't even remember that hehe