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Nerd TV:)

Too many links so I will just copy the whole thing and you can goto the page if you want the links

Quote:NerdTV Coming in September

Posted by timothy on Wednesday July 13, @03:37PM
from the in-time-for-school dept.
Random BedHead Ed writes "After years of development, Robert X. Cringely's NerdTV is finally on its way, and will be released September 6th. The program will feature interviews with prominent nerds, such as Bill Joy and Macintosh programmer Andy Hertzfeld. But far from being a normal television show, it will be downloadable. As Cringely explained last week in his column, BitTorrent and the expansion of broadband made this the right time for such a move. The show will be available at, where there is currently an information page. Larry Lessig points out that the show will be distributed under a Creative Commons license - the specific license is not specified, but Cringely and PBS say that noncommercial use and redistribution will be allowed."
Good sign that PBS is picking up a new show. Means they plan on sticking around for a while.

Was looking pretty grim when public funding for public television got cut.
they're not entirely funded by the average joe, you know.

i'm also happy they're staying though, pbs is awesome!