
Full Version: My photoshop final
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Well i just finished the first of 3 finals for my graphics class, the photoshop one. I didn't have a choice of images, she gave images to us, told us to edit them a certain way, and then put them in a collage.

so here you go:
Wait.. what class was this? Is this Highschool?

Nice editing job, btw!:)
I like it a lot. Very....epic! I currently use JASC paintshop pro. Is it any more beneficial for me to buy photoshop over this or are they comparable?
I've used PSP before a few times, but instantly fell in love with Photoshop the day we met.

I can do much more with Photoshop than I can with PSP, but that just may be because I have 8 years of experience with Photoshop whereas I only have like 1.3 years of experience with PSP. I personally do not buy these programs, because anything that costs over 200 dollars in my mind is just ridiculous... so of course I mIRC it up! This means that I currently have Adobe Creative Studio 2.0 with all of the upgrades for the programs included... and Photoshop CS 2 is quite a treat to use!:)
Maybe you should hook me up sometime with some editing software so I can rule too
perhaps... perhaps...:)
not bad noose
If you have square pictures it's good to use the feathering tool on photoshop but nonetheless a good photo! :)
Mercutio,Nov 3 2005, 03:51 AM Wrote:If you have square pictures it's good to use the feathering tool on photoshop but nonetheless a good photo! :)
feathering tool?