
Full Version: My favorite part....
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was the part where i couldnt add any favorite any game.

its great.
oh snap, it got better:
Just log out and log back in to fix that.
doesnt do it. and i shouldnt have to do that anyway.
I've said it before and i'll say it again... set your computer on fire.

It'll burn all of your worries away!
for the past week my computer had been sitting in my trunk, then the last 3 days have been spent wrestling with a broken router, then just buying a cheaper one and it working 1st time off the bat.

im not just about to burn all that away
ok fine..I'll set it on fire for you.
how come i only get that damn error with the Vads server? thats HLDM mind you.
well that explains where you have been....everyone was asking about you and brokend
are you on steam?
HLDM is still won
i couldnt connect on WON earlier, and i can see it on steam.
ok, it all seems to be working now. steam is one of many reasons u havent been seeing Brokend and i.


I know that Frito was stuck with not being able to get a valid ticket for internet servers, but yet could make his own.... go figure