
Full Version: Great Day.
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Today is October 18th, 2003. A day when the marching band I play in won Grand Champion at our competition. The first performance we gave today wasn't that hot. But in the final round we stepped up and gave one heck of a performance. We beat a band that has won the competition for 10 straight years. Really upset them. Anyhow, just had to say some stuff about this great day. Oh yeah, we haven't won grand champion for like 10 years either.
congrats dude
all that practicing and missing Rico payed off in a big way
Took the title back, good work.
Ahh the dayz of band..Great times...but glad I'm out now..I owned in percussion:D
Congrats turtle
reminds me of our reggatta's eh wha? but we've only won that for 5 years straight

For those who dont know, its a camp thing, a bunch of groups meet to compete in diff events and stuff.
Nice! :lol:
I love it when the marching band marches by my house, practicing. I get a woody when the drums kick in! :blsh:
We made our town mad when we came home. It was like 10:30 or so and we had all the cops and firetrucks and everything out for some reason. And we marched through town. It was awesome.
woah, congrats Turtle! :thumb:
I love the sound of a marching band