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Id just like to give a thanks out to all my friends and Buddies:

-Cow Eater
-Acid Head
-Lil Face
-Anyone I Forgot

-And of course... GRITS

Thanks Guys For Everything

-internet porno
-jesus for inventing marijuana

My family doesn't celebrate "thanksgiving", really doesn't make sense to me either, you should be thankful for what you have every single day of your life, not just once a year. That's the problem I see in America, everybody takes everything they have for granted.
Tad bit melodramatic there, eh acid? There's nothing wrong with a traditional holiday... families, friends can get together, eat a lot of food (and cook it for that matter), and get some time off work or school. There's no statement that says "you must use only this day to give thanks, no others." Yes, some people take things for granted. You don't? It's not an American problem, it's one of human nature when you get used to certain things. Never thought I'd find myself defending a holiday....
As a canadian I celebrated Thanksgiving in october, so I dont have to be thankful for anything untill next year:PSeriously though, I dont take much for granted, because i know what it's like not haveing those things, or i can imagine. It's like waiting untill new years to try to better yourself (new years resolution). Merry thanksgiving to all, and to all a good night.
You're right g-boy, I didn't mean to offend anyone from my post, I think it's a great excuse for a holiday:P

I forgot about the family getting together part, kinda makes me wish I could see my cousins back in the old country...

i'm glad i got acid, cause he makes me look so good. hehe
ya I had Thanksgiving in October too.

I'm thankful that I had a full stomach by the end. mmmmmm food.
I'm thankful for alcohol, for making ugly people look oh so good.