Hey there! - Printable Version

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Hey there! - Jooza - 12-18-2003

A recent PM that got fowarded to my email reminded me to visit you guys:)

You probably haven't seen me on for the last 5 or so months, there is a reason! I moved! I live just outside of Montclair, NJ now. Had business stuff to do up here, so I decided to move up here. I might play again, not certain, times are pressed right now. Give me a month or so, I hope people are still playing:)



Hey there! - MorningStar - 12-18-2003

Hey Jooza! I just asked grits or someone couple days ago that what ever happened to u :P Nice to see you back :thumb:

Hey there! - GRITS - 12-18-2003

Welcome back Jooza, at least to the forums... was you and me talking about jooza just a few days ago. Wolfdaughter says she is coming back in February. I have been getting better I think I might surprise you.

Hey there! - Gwarsbane - 12-18-2003

Ya GRITS has handed me my ass a few times. :)

Great to see all these players coming back or at least maybe coming back.

Hey there! - g-boy - 12-18-2003

It's the Jooz... hope ya return to play man.

Hey there! - [CAKE]anonymity - 12-18-2003

Long time no see, hope all the work stuff works out. And yes, GRITS owns now, seriously.

Hey there! - jabbahunt - 12-18-2003

give us the jooza, hey wb.