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G-boy - Jooza - 04-01-2003

You were right about Gangs, was during Civil War. I was thinking back to my Junior year in high school for US history, and Potato Famine near end of 19th century stuck out in my mind for High Irish immigration. Have to see that movie =\



G-boy - CloudFuel - 04-01-2003

WOOT! G-boy gets his own cool!

G-boy - _Acid_Head_ - 04-01-2003

G-boy knows his shit.

G-boy - g-boy - 04-01-2003

Lol, well, I can see where you got confused, if you didn't see the movie. The riots were mostly about the fact that for $200, someone could avoid getting drafted into the Union army. So only rich people could avoid it, while the poor immigrants and such were forced to fight for a cause they didn't believe in, that is, freeing the slaves. So the riot was twofold... one, they rioted against rich people, and two, they attacked black people because they felt it was because of them that they were being sent away to basically die. Now, the movie was not about that so much... that just set the stage for the rivalry between the immigrants and those who called themselves "native" Americans, meaning white people born in the States, and the Lewis and DiCaprio characters. Extremely good movie, though it might not interest a lot of people.
Don't worry, I don't memorize this history stuff, I just happen to know this because I watched a Discovery Channel special called "The REAL Gangs of New York." That revived some memories of 11th grade US History, with Boss Tweed and such.

G-boy - g-boy - 04-02-2003

Call me paranoid, but I get the feeling I am going to get corrected for something in my reply... better to be corrected than to "know" something false.

G-boy - noxious - 04-02-2003

Well then I'll start by accusing you of being incorrect. Even though I don't know what, if anything, is wrong.

G-boy - Jooza - 04-02-2003

I could expand on Tweed some, his corrupt ass forcing immagrants to vote for him so he could get power, basically he avoids fighting and sets himself a nice deal. If I could go back in time I would shoot him with a rocket just to save a lot of my Italian friends from suffering a lot. I am 2nd Generation Italian, it wouldn't effect me directly, but friends of my Great Grandparents did come to the US before WWI.
