FBI Conducts Raids Over Half-Life 2 Source Theft - Printable Version

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FBI Conducts Raids Over Half-Life 2 Source Theft - Gwarsbane - 01-19-2004

Quote:TheXerox writes "According to a recent weblog post, a San Francisco native had his house raided by the FBI last week, and 'lost upwards of 9 machines, and lots of misc equipment besides' in a seizure related to the theft of the Half-Life 2 source code from Valve Software." The scanned-in search warrant posted on the site indicates the FBI were looking for "...any IP addresses related to any of the Valve internal or external networks... Valve passwords and/or usernames... any and all items... related to Valve Software, Half-Life, Half-Life 2", and the Hungry Programmers page mentions that "...several Hungries were raided on January 14th by the FBI and Secret Service, and their computers seized."

I had a feeling we were going to see something about this soon :D

FBI Conducts Raids Over Half-Life 2 Source Theft - Guest - 01-19-2004

not really that surprising is it...

FBI Conducts Raids Over Half-Life 2 Source Theft - [CAKE]anonymity - 01-19-2004

You knew they were going to catch them, i just think its cool that the FBI was invloved. I know my socities teach will talk to me about it, I am supposedly an expert.

FBI Conducts Raids Over Half-Life 2 Source Theft - Wha? - 01-19-2004

It hasn't ended yet, this is an investigative step.

FBI Conducts Raids Over Half-Life 2 Source Theft - Guest - 01-19-2004

[CAKE Wrote:anonymity,Jan 20 2004, 12:56 AM] You knew they were going to catch them, i just think its cool that the FBI was invloved. I know my socities teach will talk to me about it, I am supposedly an expert.
Didn't realise you were employed by the FBI. A hacker to catch a hacker...:)

FBI Conducts Raids Over Half-Life 2 Source Theft - [CAKE]anonymity - 01-20-2004

First of all, im canadian, the FBI is American, and second... yes i am *shifty eyes*

FBI Conducts Raids Over Half-Life 2 Source Theft - Guest - 01-20-2004
