happy birthday cactus dude! - Printable Version

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happy birthday cactus dude! - kermit - 01-24-2004

geez, i hope you didn't think we were forgetting about you. hopefully you had a fun day today after all you are almost 'legal'. ^_^


happy birthday cactus dude! - Cactus Dude - 01-24-2004

Yeah... I was gone most of the day partying with friends.:rolleyes:Thanks though.

Cake to all!:bday::bday:

happy birthday cactus dude! - GRITS - 01-24-2004

I missed it? sorry......Happy Birthday CD :wub:

happy birthday cactus dude! - [CAKE]anonymity - 01-24-2004

i was never informed about a cake to all:P

make it a good one buddy :thumb:

happy birthday cactus dude! - fritoman - 01-24-2004

happy b day man, hope you had a great day.

happy birthday cactus dude! - jabbahunt - 01-25-2004

Another late happy B'day.