Damn Virus - Printable Version

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Damn Virus - Guest - 04-12-2004

lol and people say no black people play rico what ideots enyways lt me help you out my friend ok first off what you have is is a trojan.sattelite patch {not a virus} what that does is allows a noob wanna be hacker to controll and monitor what you are doing on your pc from either the same network or another location now if you have a firewall on your default gateway it is {your router if you use one} than it is inoperable from outside of you local isp cause your default net demon ports would be blocked....and it means some one in your house is doing it to you..means you need to kick some ass but first off i will tell you how to securly get rid of it.

step 1
first press {ctrl+alt+del} and that will pop up the windows task manager select the file called trojen.bat and hit end task {that is not the trojan it is just a batch file that runs it in your system startup}

step 2
now what you need to do is to get rid of the batch file altogether and to do that go into directory "c:\documents and settings\all users\start menu\programs" then delete the file tittled "trojen.bat" now ounce you have done that go to the directory "c:\windows" and open the program called regedit.exe if you don't find a file in there called regedit.exe just goto the start button on bottom right of sceen click on it and click "run..." then ounce that is open type regedit and hit enter.Ounce inside of the system registry editor go to the directory "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" then ounce you are inside that foler delete the file tittled "trojan.reg" {accualy you should probably delete every thing out of that folder cause its all annoying pop up shit enyways}

final step
finaly if you have a virus scaner it is now safe to scan your pc if you dont have one you can use one for free at and it will delete if you don't do steps 1 and 2 above it wont delete though.

to keep you safe incase another ideot trys this i would activate you default firewall by goind to start on bottom left of screen then controll panel then to network and internet connections than to network connections then right click on the one that says local area connection and select properties ounce in there select advanded then make sure to put a check on the one that says "protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing acces to this computer from the internet" then hit ok and you should see a little lock on it now. And after doing all that i would go get a fire wall like this free one here or i would consider buying one but you really dont need to purchase a firewall now a-days : )

If you need eny extra help feel free to post back cause you really don't want some one monitoring and messing with your pc at the their pleasure : ( not cool man not cool at all.

Damn Virus - Gwarsbane - 04-12-2004

Vash really the simplest thing I can say about last night is shutup and listen.

A bunch of us were hit that thing last night. You were the only one that came in swearing and wouldn't calm down.

I asked you to stop, you wouldn't then you called me an idiot, thats when I gave you the 5 minute ban to calm down. I guess it didn't work.

You come back in swearing your fool head off. Saying that someone there gave you the virus while you were playing in game. That could not have happened. There was a link that was posted and the only way (from what I know) that you could have gotten anything was to open the link.

We kept trying to ask you stuff but you kept on swearing and would not shut up for a second to answer our questions. Answering our questions was going to be the only way we would have been able to help you. But no YOU, no one else, but YOU kept on swearing and would not answer our questions.

We were all trying to figure things out ourselves, none of us had the answers but we were working on it. I told you to calm down and listen, but you didn't. You kept on swearing so thats when you left again, right before I was about to ban you from there again.

Last night you have no one but yourself to blame for being banned. All you had to do was not swear it is after all part of our rules that you know and agree to follow by coming into our chat room, forums and game servers.


Ok I won't bother posting the logs upon GRITS request.

Damn Virus - GRITS - 04-12-2004

Let it go GB everyone was upset last night. Some of us handled it better than others. The hacker gets what he was aiming for if it makes us angry at each other. Which is why the script included changing the name to someone you trusted.
What we need to think about is how well we all worked together to help each other out and not accuse each other....well other than the few "why would you send me that link" questions that went around everyone pretty much stayed calm. I was really impressed with the way everyone came together to figure out the fix and warn the others that came in.
We did good we dont need to rehash the bad points but rather celebrate the high ones.
thanks guys it was a "fun" experience....well enlightening at least.

btw I would have probably deleted vash's post when I first read it because it was old news by 6am but cartman had left such a nice "fix it" post, I figured we could read past the anger in vash's post in case it happened to someone else who needed cartman's reply.

Damn Virus - Wanksta - 04-12-2004


Damn Virus - GRITS - 04-12-2004

She will forgive you wank, she questioned me and I thought it was wha and we know vash blamed's called domino effect
wha? who did you think gave it to you?

Damn Virus - [CAKE]anonymity - 04-12-2004

I saw euology on #northside, thats our old clan, post the same link and then getting the same error. He's a good guy and didnt do it on purpose, just the virus made him do it. I would have no idea where he got it from, but im pretty sure its another channel. Thats how these things spread.

Damn Virus - Wha? - 04-12-2004

As a note, DO NOT delete everything in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, that's where all the stuff you want to run at startup is, like personal firewalls, update checks, audio or video software necessary for satifactory operation.. etc. Some stuff is fine to delete, however, so don't think I'm saying "leave everything" just because I'm saying "don't delete everything".

Damn Virus - [CAKE]anonymity - 04-12-2004

Vash you take it too personal. Any admin would have banned any player for that. We dont know how the virus got on your computer. The link that went around was a CS related one, for all we know you might have been playing with the guy who started it and he did something. You might have accidently DCC recived something, who knows. I have been using mIRC for a few years and was around when #vadavaka was created and this is the first time I know of that has cuased this many problems for this many people. You have some of the best computer minds i know here working on the solution and we will get it all fixed. Gwar has helped me through a lot of my computer problems and is the first one to give a possible solution. My boss told me at work that he doesnt mind when people makes mistakes, but he doesnt want anyone to make that same mistake twice. Its a good life lesson.

Damn Virus - GRITS - 04-12-2004

I moved Vash's posts to the senior admin section. There is no need for him to be reacting so harshly. When he can post a more calm less accusatory response I will leave it, if he keeps attacking people, he will lose his posting privileges on these forums.

I am closing this thread.