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Vegas with Lil Face - Beastie - 09-17-2004

I have had the good fortune to meet 2 of our gaming community members now.

((GRITS came out for a New Years visit for those that don't know.))

Lil Face and his lovely lady came to Las Vegas for a visit. We met tonight in person.

Funny, I am not so sure if it's his face that is small. It might just be that his head is really big! In any case it was a scene out of Dick Tracy, his features all mis-proportioned. I had to lean in a few times just to read his lips. Smaller mouth meant a higher, fast pitched voice. Helium anyone?

In any case we had a ton of fun considering we had only a few short hours. We got some drinks, we chatted (about YOU) and became more aquainted. We happened to go to the same place I took GRITS to 9 months ago. His girlfriend is very friendly. She is a little out of Face's league, but explained to me that he makes up for his small facial features in other areas. Then she winked... who knows?

We then went down the strip and to the Stratosphere Tower. Up on the 109th floor is the new ride, Exscream. It's crazy!! On the 112th floor is The Big Shot. We all screamed in madness, as it is one monster of a rush! Face and I agree it's one of the best rides we have been on anywhere.

We had another drink and Face's gf won it big ($5) in the Stratosphere Casino before leaving. We headed back to their hotel and said our good-byes.

I would truly hang with Face on a regular basis, if he lived near by. He is a genuine nice, friendly guy who seems to be pretty normal in most respects (hell, I wonder about most of you addicts!). He and his gf also seem very happy. I was glad to have met them both, now after I have played with him for over 2 years.

Come back any time, TrOma!!


Vegas with Lil Face - GRITS - 09-17-2004

You live in one of the coolest city in the world, and the company isnt so bad either......I say we have a lan party in Vegas and all hang out together.

Vegas with Lil Face - Quickening - 09-17-2004

I need to be older :(
Sounds like fun, hopefullly one day I'll meet some of yall.

Vegas with Lil Face - fritoman - 09-17-2004

I have a week in november, I could drive to Vegas :thumb: <---vacation I dont know to do with:idea:

Vegas with Lil Face - :/ lil face - 09-19-2004

Weee! Just got back from Vegas and had a great time as usual, but with an added bonus…first playing Marco polo with Beastie at the Mandalay Bay via cell phone, then finally meeting him in person.You all should know, Beastie isn’t hairy as you may have imagined. In fact aside from the toupee, he’s completely hairless:oHe’s a great guy and he gave my gf and I a tour of Sin City before taking us to one of his favorite watering holes were we chatted over some cocktails about everything from RC, music, hobbies, careers. I was quite impressed with his musical knowledge and concert experiences, he knows his stuff.

We could have very easily stayed there and drank the night away, but I was anxious to get to the Stratosphere Tower to defy death on the scary rides 1120 feet above the Vegas strip. After the rides, we walked around the top of the tower and admired the beautiful city lights. While waiting for the elevator, Beastie haxxored the shooting gallery and we watched in awe of his true l33t sniper skill. We went downstairs for one more cocktail before heading back to our hotel.

Beastie then showed us a cool nightclub, the Rum Jungle and said goodbye. I’m sure he would have stayed longer, but he had to work early the next morning. It was a very nice experience getting to meet a fellow RC player and quite a gentleman to boot. Thank you Beastie for taking time to hang out, it was a pleasure and I will be sure to call and hang out again the second I come back to the city that never sleeps.

Btw, not one minute after Beastie left, I spotted one of my favorite boxers, Arturo Gotti heading into the club! Wow what a treat. I also heard Mike Tyson was seen in the casino earlier that day. I guess it’s not uncommon to see lots of celebrities cruising around the hotel casinos on a big fight weekend.