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WOW - Squish - 11-06-2004

Watch the whole thing... it's crazy... and to think... we don't even like macs:D

WOW - GRITS - 11-06-2004

they should call it count the people
do you think those at the end actually got in?
do you think they knew how many ppl were in front of them?
I wonder what the final count was

WOW - fritoman - 11-06-2004

I bet the people at the end of the line didnt even know what the hell the line was for....."oohhh this must be something good lets get in line". I wouldnt stand in that line if they where giving away 1000 dollar bills. :wacko:

WOW - SNOWDAWG - 11-06-2004

I did a little research (5min):)
and nound this for ya Grits.

WOW - GRITS - 11-06-2004

so cool thanks snow:thumb: