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Happy Birthday Turtle:wub:

He is still around but very busy with extra-curricular activities, music for example

please find some time to play over the holidays

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLE - Scrye - 12-18-2004

I SEEN turtle a couple days ago!!
Hope to see you again turtle!!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLE - MorningStar - 12-18-2004

Happy b-day my cowabunging friend :thumb:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLE - Shalk - 12-18-2004

happy birthday:)only 1 more year then u will be allowed to drink, woohoo :P

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLE - _Acid_Head_ - 12-18-2004

Where is this guy anyway?

Happy Birthday if you even see this :smurf:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLE - Turtle - 12-18-2004

Heh I'm still around. Just busy like GRITS said. I'll stop by sometime soon when I can. Today I have to help my grandma move furniture to her new house. Shalk, I can't drink till I'm 21.

Cowbunga back to you MS. Anyhow everyone have a nice time.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLE - Power and Glory - 12-18-2004

Happy Birthday. Have a good one.:thumb:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLE - zig - 12-18-2004

Happy B-day

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLE - fritoman - 12-18-2004

woohoo happy B day turtle :thumb: I hope you have a great day

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLE - Miagi - 12-18-2004

Turtle,Dec 18 2004, 09:28 AM Wrote:Today I have to help my grandma move furniture to her new house.
Why do I get the picture of you and your grandmother carrying a couch up stairs and you telling her to "stop slacking off and put your back into it!":blink:

Oh and... fire is bad, careful of blowing those candles out :P

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLE - Gragoon - 12-18-2004

dunno u but happy bday anyhow

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLE - [CAKE]anonymity - 12-18-2004

Happy bday, We'll have to see some pics of the party. Espically the ones where the people have had too much to drink.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLE - Quickening - 12-18-2004

Happy Birthday Man, hope its a good one :D

Been missing ya on IRC this past month or so:(
You are just barely older than me:o

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLE - Turtle - 12-19-2004

No party. Just hanging with my girlfriend for most of the evening. Sucked up until that point :D

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURTLE - Chentvin - 12-19-2004

Happy Birthday Tozz


:bday:happy birthday!:bday: