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Sketch - Shalk - 05-01-2003

I was playing at Vads under fake nick (wanted to play some for fun), there was this Sketch which started to say ass after every lose, swearing, spamming with the bypass and bind spam... it just wasnt fun with him....

i just wanted to report on him caus of his lame act

he was realy a PITA... ;)

Sketch - GRITS - 05-01-2003

:bh: Sketch wouldnt act that way .....he promised me he wouldnt when I reinstasted his wonid after he was banned once before when he was having a 'bad' night:angry:

Sketch - _Acid_Head_ - 05-01-2003

Quote:just come in and write your opinion

Just mute him.

Sketch - Guest - 05-01-2003

That might have been my lame ass bro

Sketch - Power and Glory - 05-01-2003

Just muting him does not solve the problem. People like that need to be penalized for their actions as a way to deter them from doing it.

Sketch - Wha? - 05-01-2003

Sketch is a complex little bugger. Well, more of a yin-yang type scenario than complex. On one side, you have the pleasant and polite attitude. On the other, you have all the demons that afflict the online gaming universe. One of the WONIDs on my Little Yellow Slip of Doom is 948744, under the name "TEAMKILLER". This was later found to be Sketch.

What first burned those six letters into the hate section of my brain was the rampant spawn double killing. I watched [him?] go from level two of dm1 to the pad of somebody who had just spawned, decap them, and then shoot their corpse at the appropriate time to get the additional point. It wasn't a mistake, it was a calculated move. Hence my hatred.

I have a picture of his reaction to the following situation (too much nesting to write clearly):

<someguy>:Sketch stop spawn killing
<[CAKE]Wha?>:Don't waste your time, it's funny to him.

Sketch - GRITS - 05-01-2003

hmmm I wonder Duffman has the same attitude and uses bugs in DM the same way I wonder if they are one in the same...I will have to keep an eye out

Sketch - _Acid_Head_ - 05-01-2003

Quote:Just muting him does not solve the problem.

Actually yes it does, people just don't seem to know the mute button exists.

Sketch - ][_ i m i t | e s s - 05-01-2003

Man all i have to say is that you morons have got to stop whining about this shit. Grow the I'm Stupid for Swearing up. I mean god, everytime i look at the forums all i see is some I'm Stupid for Swearinged up dumb shit report about how somebody broke some rule, or how somebody got under your skin because your too big of a goddamn phony to ignore them or mute them.
Ricochet is an internet game, its a game reated 'M', which means 17 +. If you're playing it, you dont have to be 17, I'm not. But you should be I'm Stupid for Swearinging mature enough to deal with these situations as they arise. DEAL WITH THEM. That doesnt mean open up a I'm Stupid for Swearingin forum and start a little chat about how YET ANOTHER person bypassed the I'm Stupid for Swearinging swear filter. No, it means dealing with it on your own, by yourself, without bringing the matter to anyone else's attention. I mean no body is going to do a I'm Stupid for Swearinging thing anyway. Sure the admins can "warn them", they can "ban them" but that wont stop the problem because someone else will do it. Then someone will do it again, and again, and again.
So why dont you people just deal with your own I'm Stupid for Swearinging problems. Sure it might not be easy, but neither is banging your mother. Now if I complained everytime that happened....oh god, dont get me started.

Sketch - _Acid_Head_ - 05-01-2003

/em waits for a post on how GRITS owns the server or something else completely irrelevant.

Sketch - Wha? - 05-01-2003

*narrows eyes*
This is the perfect example.

"Oh boo hoo, you have a legit problem and I don't care, cuz I'm the only one who matters. I F***ED UR MOM!!"

Vulgarities are poison to an argument. You can have some, and sometimes even strengthen your case. The only problem is when you make some kind of wiggish attack on the people you're talking to, you just put a .50 hollowpoint through the head of your last hope to be heard. Then, to make sure you've burned your case to the ground, you make yourself out to be the only person in the whole game that matters. Oh, and you might want to rethink whining about whining if you want to have any shred of credability left.

Limitless, have you looked at counter-strike lately? They tried to ignore and mute, but nobody got the message that they would have to move on if they didn't stop. Guess it's just everybody's own problem though.

Perhaps you misinterpreted our tone for one of a child's tantrum, rather than an annoyed player with the intent of fixing the problem. If you got spawn double killed you wouldn't be happy, and if nobody spoke up when some ###### decided to take up spawn camping and bragging about it, then nothing would get done and we end up with an unplayable game.

Sketch is a repeat offender who will never stop until it stops being so funny, and starts being an embarrassing past.

But.. wait. You're absolutely right. F*** the admins, they can shove they're f***ing jobs, cuz all we have to do is ignore the players and they stop disrupting the game! Hell, we don't even need muting or whatever, why take any action at all that helps eliminate the problem? We can just cover our ears and eyes to make everything go away. No more professional repair technicians, doctors, pharmacuticals, bills, and what have you. Just don't make the call/payment/trip and save yourself the trouble. If you're sick, why are you complaining when you get better by muting yourself? This has given me a whole new outlook. Glad you made me see the light.

Hope my post helps deliver the message a little better. :\

Sketch - ][_ i m i t | e s s - 05-01-2003

Hey no prob Wha?. Just tryin' to help save the decency. And i didnt mean your mom...hahahahaha
I'm happy that you clearly see the point I'm trying to make. Why can't everyone else see it too eh? They must all be blind or something!

Sketch - g-boy - 05-01-2003

BTW, it's "yin-yang" without the first g. :thumb:
Anyway, uh, damn, limitless must have had a bad day or something... first he calls me a moron, now he gets a bit whiney and attempts to cuss out the forums (btw bro, notice that the forums have a filter too...).

Sketch - Wha? - 05-01-2003

I knew I misspelled it. Hard to spell something you rarely say. Thanks man.

Sketch - ][_ i m i t | e s s - 05-02-2003

Ya o noticed, BRO. Don't you know what Devine Intervention means?

Sketch - g-boy - 05-02-2003

You mean "divine?" And what about it?

Sketch - _Acid_Head_ - 05-02-2003

It's a spell in EverQuest!


Sketch - PuNkGirL - 05-03-2003

it is an Intervention done by your god. Usually to set you on the course He/She has laid out for you.

Sketch - g-boy - 05-03-2003

Ahem, to clarify, I know what divine intervention is, you hear a lot about it in literature and from family members and doctors when you survive a heart problem... but I'd like to know what it has to do with anything, ie why did limit bring it up?

Sketch - ][_ i m i t | e s s - 05-05-2003

Well, why did I bring it up? I dont know to tell you the truth. I know its totally irrelevant..maybe thats why. Just something to talk about you know. You sound pretty interested though. I mean you did take the time to ask me on the forums!

Sketch - g-boy - 05-05-2003

Are you high?

And with that, I suggest this thread be closed. It's off topic.