Now Doctor Who ep 1 leaked early - Printable Version

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Now Doctor Who ep 1 leaked early - Gwarsbane - 03-08-2005

Now onto the review. Any cracks about my bad spelling will get you punished in very horrable ways. I'll send Hitmoney and Crash N Giggles (2 friends over at MekTek) over to your house to have some fun with you. I did this review at 4 am my time so your lucky that even one word is spelled right.

Well all I can say is, interesting.

Again I drop some spoilers here so if you don't want to know about it don't read.


First off I have to tell you that I am a HUGE Doctor Who fan. I have seen every episode and the movie (which wasn't half bad and really not bad for being american made).

For those that don't know Doctor who was on TV for 36 years. Its the longest running series ever. There is only 26 seasons of it though. I believe there was 6 episodes per season. Strange I know but hey it was a great series. Its about a person named The Doctor. He gets into a police pox (much more room in there then you think) and travels through time and space.

Ok Theme music, still the same, except for the trailing end which they just repeat over and over again for like 10 seconds straight while some credits played.

Little too much sillyness. They could have made certain things a little less silly. There was parts where I thought I was watching part of Red Dwarf.

Rose's "boyfriend" (and I really use that term loosly) was an idiot. He reminded me of Rimmer, except less gallent and even even worse with women. Why she would have even gone out with a guy like that to start out with I don't know. He was even worse at acting. After she almost gets blown up, all he can think about is going down to the pub and watching the last 5 minutes of a game.

Rose was had no selfesteam at all or at least thats what it seemed like. But little by little she gets more till finally she kisses her boyfriend goodbye (seemed like good riddence) and off she goes with the Dr.

Something that really annoyed me was near the start was the happy music while the Doctor and rose walked through a part while he tried to explain a few things. He also had this really and I do me REALLY goofy grin on his face. He just looked stupid and the music didn't help any.

As the doctor is being held by the plastic people (living plastic controled by a creature under the Millenium wheel) a second plastic person is holding the stuff that will kill the creature. Rose and her idiot boyfriend are no more then 4 or 5 feet up (least thats how it looks) It took rose a long time to think about grabbing a chain and swinging over and kicking the stuff to kill the creature out of the hand of the plastic person and into the creature which kills it and stops its plan from going any further.

The TARDIS. Ahhh it was good seeing the old girl again. Least on the outside. On the inside it looked like a mix from all of the old seasons. Personally I was looking forward to seeing it look like the one from around the 4th doctor (Tom Baker (who btw is my favorite doctor)) which was a big room where the controls are but it was basically an empty room. But it looks more like the one from the movie then anything else.

Over all I would give this a 6.5 out of 10. They need to fix a few things (make it a little more serious (without making it too serious). Increase the special effects budget (though the opener was a nice bit of computer graphics), make sure they higher some better actors for the extras.

A few other things I would like to see, yes I am going to continue watching the series even though I only gave it a 6.5 out of 10 because I really like Doctor Who. Anyway a few things I would like to see is him talking about his past lives and showing some images of his past lives (it would be nice to see the other doctors) and maybe talk a little bit about some of the stuff that went on during the other Doctor who series'.

I want to see the old Daleks, I don't want to see new computer generated ones. I want to know that there is someone inside a cramped hot space sweating it out and hoping that hes going in the right direction. Or maybe just make them remote controled. I can just see people have Dalek RC races over lunch hour. lol

Anyway I do see promise in this new series.

I have left a bunch of stuff out, you only get a little taste of what the episode was really like. I suggest that you watch it for yourself and be your own judge of the episode and episodes to come in the future.

If they do the fixes that I suggested here then I could easily seeing this being a big hit and going on for another 36 years