Vac 2 next week? - Printable Version

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Vac 2 next week? - Gwarsbane - 03-07-2005

Found this over over on

Quote:Now with CounterStrike:Source with 20,000 players 15,000 servers, and no VAC available for CS:S servers are being flooded with hackers. I was personally in a public server and mygot a well known hacking group came in and cleared the entire server with thier hacks. It disgusts me when people pay good money for their game server and to lose all the people playing in their server.

But a recent chat with my friend that works at Valve said that to expect a release sometime next week. VAC 2 also will be ten times more aggressive than the original VAC for half-life, and will also be equipped with all the recent cheat detection system. Although I was able to talk to him he didn't give me much info, but VAC 2 will be an actually release not a BETA that VAC 1 was.

I myself would like to see VAC 2 instantly ban hackers. But it is good to see steam is trying their hardest to try to ban the steam accounts that are reported. If you happen to get the STEAM ID of the hacker you could email steam and they will look into the problem and with success ban the account. Until then reporting it to steam is that only way to fight "The War against Hackers". Also expect a steam update sometime next week for VAC 2's release.

One of the biggest probems I have with this is when they say
Quote:If you happen to get the STEAM ID of the hacker you could email steam and they will look into the problem and with success ban the account. Until then reporting it to steam is that only way to fight "The War against Hackers

Last I looked, everytime someone tries to report someone for cheating they don't tell them to e-mail somewhere, they tell them not do put steamids on the forums. They have even banned people for doing stuff like that cause they wouldn't stop.

Also it bugs me when they say they are going after hackers. Thats giving them too much credit. All you really see out there is script kiddies using someone elses programs and code.

Vac 2 next week? - Gwarsbane - 03-07-2005

I do hope that Vac 2 is coming and I do hope that we see 10,000 bans the first day and that all of them are legit (something we will really never know for sure) but it just sounds like someone trying to get the community pumped up or something like that.

Vac 2 next week? - [CAKE]anonymity - 03-07-2005

Sounds a bit too good to be true for me, but hopefully im wrong.

Vac 2 next week? - fritoman - 03-07-2005

god lets hope its true, anon you better get rid of that headshot script :unsure:

Vac 2 next week? - [CAKE]anonymity - 03-07-2005

It kinda went away on its own, considering it was luck.

Reminds me when someone called me a hacker on scoutknivez, it was kinda cool.

Vac 2 next week? - Gwarsbane - 03-12-2005

well, its a week later no Vac 2, guess someone got their wires crossed.

Actually I guess they have till money to bring it out, but I still don't think its gonna be coming then.

Vac 2 next week? - Miagi - 03-12-2005

Thats what happens when you get information from a 'friend' who 'works at valve'.

Vac 2 next week? - Gwarsbane - 03-12-2005
