Wich would you rather see - Printable Version

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Wich would you rather see - =Scope= - 02-28-2005

Hide n seek
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Wich would you rather see - SoulEvan - 02-28-2005

none of them =O

Wich would you rather see - Scrye - 02-28-2005

well... i seen &quot;hise and seek&quot; and &quot;boogieman&quot;
and out of those 2 id rather see hide and seek....

Wich would you rather see - Annatar - 02-28-2005

Me and my friends find it somewhat funny that they spell it boogyman not bogeyman. Kind of like...

&quot;OW! Disco Stu is THE BOOGYMAN!! Watch out or his stunning moves will make you blind, If his shiny medallion doesnt first!!!&quot;

From that point of view its possibly the worst horror film concept ever. But I havent felt the urge to see to see anything since team america (now that was a gd film).

Wich would you rather see - FreeFall - 03-06-2005

i never saw team america, but on a partially related note what's the deal with all the horror films that came out lately, did horror suddenly become the popular genre of film.

Wich would you rather see - fritoman - 03-15-2005

its easier to scare people then it is to entertain them with a good story plot

Wich would you rather see - Miagi - 03-15-2005

Hide and Seek - Hide from the movie, don't seek.

Boogeyman - Rent &quot;Darkness Falls&quot;, same story, but theres more action and different characters in Darkness Falls.

The Pacifier - Umm.. Why on Earth is Vin Diesel playing a 'babysitter' role... Thats like placing Jim Carrey in Hannibal as Hannibal Lector

I heard hitch and Hostage were good.