HL2 News Update - Printable Version

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HL2 News Update - Gwarsbane - 03-02-2005

Quote:Wednesday, March 2 2005

We've chosen the three winners from the Half-Life 2: Deathmatch map competition. It was tough going through and picking the winners given the quality of maps that the community built, but we feel these three represent the best of the group. The winning maps will be released sometime in March for everyone to play.

We've also been watching what the MOD community is producing lately, and there are some very promising projects underway. Recently, we had the team from Dystopia up to Valve for a few days to get their feedback on the SDK and and help them with any technical issues they might be having. Head over to their website to check out their work in progress.

In news much closer to home, we've been challenged to a game of Half-Life 2: Capture the Flag by the team that created this mod. We noticed on their website that they want to "beat up on Valve" in a match that starts today at 6:00 pm PST. While our relationship with the MOD community usually involves us providing tools and support, we're more than happy to give them a beating in their own game.

HL2 News Update - MaGoo. - 03-07-2005

"Half Life 2- Capture the Flag" Is that anything like TFC was?