What is your setup guys?? - Printable Version

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What is your setup guys?? - WidowMaker - 05-15-2003

What kind of setup do you guys use to play Rico ?
I'm talking about what mouse sensitivity you use, and key assignments, and even what type of mouse ( optical / ball etc)
I use an optical mouse, and have slid the mouse sensitivty bar 'bout half way
I use the cursor keys to strafe

I'm just wondering if anyone uses something else, or special settings to try and be better

Cos I don't think I can get any better now, so i need a magic pixie, or a miracle of some description ............. :)

What is your setup guys?? - Gwarsbane - 05-15-2003

I use a keyboard and mouse setup. The keyboard is a microsoft internet keyboard.

My keys are setup like this...

Forward = F
Backward = R
Straife Left = D
Straife Right = G

(These are my standard setting for every FPS games)

I use a no name 3 button ball mouse. Left button = bounce, Right button = decap

My mouse sensitivity is at 80, but its going to be changing soon, its going up more, its starting to feel slow again.

Thats about it.

What is your setup guys?? - _Acid_Head_ - 05-15-2003

First I'd like to point out that Gwarsbane is insane.

I use an optical mouse, I simply hated cleaning my old ball mouse, the sensitivity I first used with the ball mouse was 3.5, but when I slid my optical mouse across too fast (for those tricky air manuevers[sp]) my screen would freak out and I would fall. I set my sensitivity at 8.5, got used to it in about an hour, and absolutely love it, I don't think I'd want to go higher than that though.

What is your setup guys?? - SoulEvan - 05-15-2003

For FPS' I always keep my stuff around the arrows. left/right = strafe

left mouse = push
right mouse = decap
*(For CSers)*
KP_Ins = jump
right CTRL = crouch
right SHIFT = walk
You get the idea.

I use a ball mouse set at 30 sensitivity, because any faster is too fast for my shakey hands and I need low sensitivity for optical mice. I swipe really fast and it often doesn't pick it up, so I end up spinning around randomly.

I use 1024x768 resolution...and I guess that's it.

What is your setup guys?? - CloudFuel - 05-15-2003

mouse = logitech mx500 optical
sensitivity = 10 - 25

keys =

up arrow = up
left arrow = left
right arrow = right
down arrow = down

I use my mouse to look around.

I use forward into jumps and turn my mouse into the jump (unlike others who strafe into the jump)...

What is your setup guys?? - evil_admin - 05-15-2003


You use 1024x768 resolution in ricochet? Isn't that hard to see
the other player?

What is your setup guys?? - SoulEvan - 05-15-2003

I guess, but oh well. It works for me. ^_^

What is your setup guys?? - Gwarsbane - 05-15-2003

oh ya, I use a screen res of 1024x768 also. Not very hard to see the other people.

What is your setup guys?? - Wha? - 05-15-2003

a b

What is your setup guys?? - SoulEvan - 05-15-2003

I never use my crosshair. Half the time I can't even see it so I just pick general direction. :blink:

What is your setup guys?? - Wha? - 05-15-2003

a b

What is your setup guys?? - Gemakk - 05-15-2003

Mouse: Optical

Sensitivity: 8.65 or...was it 8.56?

Basic ASDW movement keys...
Left click push discs, right click decap...

bind 1 "stopsound"
bind n "spectate"

Resolution: Um...I think it's 800x600...

What is your setup guys?? - g-boy - 05-15-2003

Mine is the basic setup.
WASD for movement. I would hate to shift my keyboard so far over everytime I play a game so I could use the arrows. Plus binds are closer and such.
I have a logitech cordless optical mouse. Sensitivity 5.
I also look downward about 45 degrees or so, it makes everything easier to see. It also puts the banners smack dab over the enemy. Doesn't matter though, now they are green so I can see fine. Besides, I very rarely aim by sight, I mostly use sight for getting an idea where they are, as well as knowing where I am. Otherwise, I use sound and feel.
Gwars setup scares me... not the 80 sensitivity, I guess it's just his mouse... but the F being forward and R being backward is what bothers me. I'd get totally confused by that. R should be forward!

What is your setup guys?? - _Acid_Head_ - 05-16-2003

I also always look downwards at a 45 degree (or something close) angle when playing RC, it is trully easier to aim.

What is your setup guys?? - Knightmare - 05-16-2003

Max Sensitivity = 100 (right?)
^ not to crazy, just I started off with that much so use to it now...

Forward: W
Backward: S
Strafes: A & D

3rd mouse button: Decap
1st mouse button: Bounce

What is your setup guys?? - WidowMaker - 05-16-2003

Apart from some totally wacky keyboard assignments by Gwar, there is nothing much different to my setup
I like the idea of the large crosshair, how do I do that ????

I might lower the res from 1024 as well, to see if that helps a bit. I just feel i've hit a brick wall with how much better I can play. I'm inconsistant as well with my skill - sometimes a complete noob can own me, the next game I can beat a pro (well, not that often, but you know what I mean !)

Cheers for the replys

What is your setup guys?? - evil_admin - 05-16-2003

Hey Wha?

Would you be willing to make your crosshairs available? I would like to try it out.


What is your setup guys?? - fritoman - 05-16-2003

i bang on my keyboard and smack my mouse down really hard and that seems to do the trick when playing, and that is how i control my rico world

What is your setup guys?? - Scrye - 05-16-2003

HOLY CRAP!!! 1024 resolution?:huh:
lol, mine is the 400x300 res!!!
my mouse sensitivity is 16.300001, if you go by the bar thingy its about 4/5 the way up (almost all the way).

i use reverse mouse,
left arrow = strife left
right arrow = stife right
up arrow = forward
down arrow = backwords

other than the res, i`m like everyone else:)

What is your setup guys?? - kermit - 05-17-2003

for some reason 1024X768 w/ OpenGL resolution seems the best for me...i have less probs then when i was using 640X480 (i may be imagining this but's sharper for sure). it was terible at 320X240 because my videocard (RivaTNT) doesn't seem to support it

anyways...i use the std. WASD config w/ Z bound to "stopsound"

my console mouse sensitivty is set at "4.5" but keep in mind that your mouse sensitivity setting in windows is just as much as a factor...not to mention hardware too.

i use wha?'s crosshairs now cuz they rock (gj wha?) and seem to help my aim.

i use a microsoft optical mouse which gets the job done.

um, maybe your approach to the game is the problem and not your setup. you'll probably have a personal epiphany that makes that next level of play you'll either have to sit back, enjoy and forget the win margin or sit up straight and critically analyze the game.

What is your setup guys?? - MorningStar - 05-17-2003

I was used to use graphics 640x480 then yesterday i notested the graphics sucked so i switched resolution to 1024. When i went to play i couldn't hit anything everything was running so smoothly so i had to change graphics to 800x600.

Suddenly i started to hit ppl again ^_^

And i changed Open Gl to Direct 3d.

What is your setup guys?? - Wha? - 05-17-2003

a b

What is your setup guys?? - AnTiX - 05-20-2003

my keys:

Bind mouse2 +forward
bind mouse1 +attack1
bind m +attack2
bind , +moveleft
bind . +moveright

sensitivity: 6-7

Res" 1027x768

i think thats it.. thnx.

What is your setup guys?? - SoulEvan - 05-20-2003

Wow...those are some interesting key settings AnTiX. o_O

Heheheh, sorry. Just felt like pokin fun at you.

What is your setup guys?? - Wha? - 05-20-2003

a b

What is your setup guys?? - AnTiX - 05-20-2003

ah i guess i fergot my bak button is bound to my back arrow;)..

the best are always unique... especially when it comes to KEY CONFIGURATIONS!! YAAAAAAAA!!!!!-_-