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Universal Theories - SoulEvan - 05-01-2003

In response to the chicken topic, I guess this is an appropriate time to start a little ramble about the universe's birth and fate.

Please, keep all posts purely logical. If you think a supreme being exists, say why in a stoic fashion.

Anyways, a while back a friend and I made up a theory about the universe. Okay so it was mostly just me rambling to him(no I don't get high).

There are more than these two, but two opposing views about the fate of the universe is that it will either collapse into it's original state of being a singularity, or everything will cancel each other out resulting in harmonious oblivion.

Here is an outline of what I came up with.

Step 1) Let's consider the possibility of universal harmony.

Due to the existance of statistical randomness, the universe probably isn't currently harmonious.

Thus, let's use a scale for a mental picture. An empty, legit scale represents harmony. Because of chaos, imagine one pan weighs more than the other, causing the scale to tip. Let's call this the universe's "normal" state. Imagine a force causes the lighter pan to lower, thus causing the heavier pan to rise. This is on Earth though, so of course the scale will return to its "normal" state. From the evidence provided by the mental picture, we reject the statement that the universe will end in oblivion.

(God, I'm just beyond bored now. I don't feel like finishing this anymore :lol: Oh well.)

Sorrryyy for cutting this so short, I'm in class right now and it's time to jet. Later!

Universal Theories - GRITS - 05-01-2003

OMG SoulEvan you are like pushies and you'll
Quote:be the neverending death of me... you're like the horribly written dialogues in half-decent anime that have great fighting scenes...too great in number and anticlimactic. 

Universal Theories - _Acid_Head_ - 05-01-2003

Although I don't beleive in religion, I do beleive in a higher being that gives order. DNA is perfect, there is no way that random events could make humanity and other forms of life in my opinion. Think about the stars, burning balls of gases they say... right, there must be more to it, something we wont be able to ever find out. There has to be something, somewhere, that controls and regulates all relativity.

After reading Stephen Hawking's book "A Brief History of Time", a lot of new ideas have been flowing through my head, it's amazing how much we don't know, or ever know, about the universe, and how much time/space works in conjunction with one another. I recommend the book to anyone that loves this kind of stuff, I'll post the e-book link if I can find it (think I found it on an ftp though).

Universal Theories - SoulEvan - 05-01-2003

To be perfectly honest, I've never done any research and/or read any books/papers on anything like this. :lol:

I'm pulling all of this out of fat air. That's right, fat air. ^_^ And I'll finish typing it up later.

You know Acid, there is, in fact, a lot we can't even see. There are tons of things that are invisible to us because they have no charge (electrical I mean). This is known because our galaxy's electrical field is a lot larger than it should be from what we observe.

The sun actually shoots tons of these little things(the names of which I've forgotten) that go straight through your body. You can't see them because they have no charge and they go on virtually forever. It supposedly takes several miles of lead to stop them. But there's also the probability that one will collide with an atom. I'm guessing this is what causes the chain reaction in people thus resulting in spontaneous combustion. Then again, this is all just speculation for me. ^_^

Universal Theories - Wha? - 05-01-2003

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Universal Theories - SoulEvan - 05-01-2003

Actually, I incorporated the big bang theory into mine. I also incorporated prediction, de ja vu, reincarnation, and God. But I'll explain all of that the next time I'm extremely bored and feel like typing a TON of crap that I don't even research about.

I actually don't feel like finishing my original theory anymore, mainly because I was just stating what it was before I explained the simple realization that put all of my thoughts to a sudden halt.

How could there be a big bang if the universe began as a singularity? Infinite density = an infinite gravitational pull, which would mean that there's no way to overpower it, no matter how powerful the force. If there HAD been an explosion of infinite force and....omg...I've just realized another thing. I'm so stupid...stupid stupid stupid, I was right before but I was thinking about it the wrong way. So simple, I'll explain it, once again, the next time I'm incredibly bored. I have to mull over it in the back of my mind for a little bit.

Universal Theories - g-boy - 05-01-2003

You don't wanna hear what I think... believe me, it'll hurt your brain.
Oh, and Soul, those things you're referring to are neutrinos. It's just one kind of many particles you can't see or detect without special equipment. They're building a giant sensor to see if they can get some data from these neutrinos, origins, blah blah, the usual. It's a huge sphere that is filled with "heavy water." Heavy water is water with an extra hydrogen atom stuck on one of the H2's of the H2O. Or something like that. There is a good chance a neutrino will enter the sphere and hit this atom, causing a little burst of energy. The energy is detected by sensors inside of the sphere, and data from the burst is sent to computers. It is deep underground because if they put it above ground, all of the heavy water would just be bursting and they couldn't keep track of what particle was doing what. Underground, basically only neutrinos can get to it. I'm not completely clear on it, it's all complex stuff.

Universal Theories - Wha? - 05-01-2003

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Universal Theories - SoulEvan - 05-01-2003

Okay, this was a little interesting but I once again I've hit a brick wall. An infinite force could make an attempt to cause the singularity to expand, but that would result in the singularity destroying itself. The only thing that might be created and would be able to escape is the randomly created null charge matter. So yeah, I'm still thinking.

I do have a second theory though. That the universe is, in fact, a singularity, and that observation is a matter of subconscious rationalization. I'm working through the supreme being incorporation.

Part of my first theory actually, was that it was an infinite loop, expanding, collapsing, then expanding. Causing the EXACT same events to happen for eternity. Psychic abilities/de ja vu/reincarnation beliefs are results of subconscious knowledge "carryovers" from life to life.

Universal Theories - Wha? - 05-01-2003

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Universal Theories - SoulEvan - 05-02-2003

Now, what's really funny is that I don't really care about any of this. This is how I keep myself entertained half the time. :lol:

Universal Theories - PIX - 05-02-2003

Heavy water is chemically the same as regular (light) water, but with the two hydrogen atoms (as in H2O) replaced with deuterium atoms (hence the symbol D2O). Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen; it has one extra neutron. Thus the deutrium atom consists of one proton and one neutron in the atomic nucleus and one orbiting electron. It is the extra neutron that makes heavy water "heavy", about 10% heavier in fact.

Universal Theories - SoulEvan - 05-02-2003

I really do love this place.

Adendums to my constant little psychology study, AND I've learned more things that I find interesting in a couple of weeks here than I have at school in a year. :P

Thanks a lot everybody! Now, after that little tangent, let's get back to the topic. ^_^

Universal Theories - SoulEvan - 05-02-2003

Let's see, I left off at rejecting the harmony theory.

Step 2) We test the probability of the universe collapsing back to its original state(singularity). (logic test, not statistical...God I hate that class<_< )

A popular theory to the beginning of the universe is that it began as a singularity. For the sake of fairness, we test this using the same mental scale as the harmony theory. The scale is tipped, thus, no matter how much it is tipped in the other pan's favor, it will return to its original state of instability. Meaning the universe must have an endpoint of something similar to self-destruction. For the sake of easy imagining, let's just use implosion.

This is where I incorporate my silly BS black hole theory. For one, I believe it's safe to say that if the universe began as a singularity, it's never changed. Imagine it as a tap. Only see the opening and the water that seemingly runs forever. You know there must be water inside the tap for water to be coming out, but from the looks of it there must be an infinite amount of water in that tap. Don't try this, I don't like wasting people's water. ^_^ So, that means there's still an infinite pull towards the origin. Finally, my theory is that the black hole is created by the star, with its electrical field power being enormous enough to capture light, is essentially pulled towards the origin. The star's enormous pull causes the power scale between the infinite pull and the infinite expansion force to tip in favor of the origin's pull. The infinite pull causes the star to become immediately hyper-sped. Imagine the star elongating into an insanely long strand of hair. Possibly something thinner. The strand is a pulse of energy that shoots straight to the origin, melding with it. This would cause a sort of pinprick in the universe. What's left is a vaccuum leading from the star's original position to the origin. But, that vaccuum is unbelievably thin. It's almost negligable. The blackhole is more or less the result of the star becoming hyper-sped in an instant.

Agh, it's already time to leave for school. Finish this later. ;) Please don't hate me GRITS. Hahahahah. :P

Universal Theories - GRITS - 05-02-2003

OMG Soulevan you are like a soap opera...."stay tuned tomorrow to find out" I am just going to assume when I start reading from now on that you are not going to finish and that there is no climax to your rhetoric.....I hope this same practice doesnt carry over into your personal life. :P

Universal Theories - SoulEvan - 05-02-2003

Hey now!!! I can't help it! I'm always typing these up during class so I never have time to finish! :P

In webmastering right now, so if you're reading this and there's no more information below this then I'm getting around to posting it.

Universal Theories - Wha? - 05-02-2003

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Universal Theories - SoulEvan - 05-02-2003

Oops, sorry. I'm just explaining the thought that the singularity must exist in same form because it existed in that form in the first place and is infinite. Observational evidence. There must be water in the tap = the singularity must still exist like it was. Just imagine a tap endlessly dispensing water. Sorry if this is confusing, but I'm trying to use simple things to explain this.

I was never good at completely putting down my thoughts. I tend to put down bits and pieces and stuff ends up being confusing. Of course this means I've never done well on essays. -_-

Universal Theories - Wha? - 05-02-2003

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Universal Theories - SoulEvan - 05-02-2003

Okay, so on with about the blackhole a little bit more.

One thing to add to the middle of the last big surge of info. As you've probably already guessed or known about the star's transformation. Hyper-sped matter becomes energy, or that's what I'm guessing. I'm probably wrong so somebody correct me. Now, to continue.

So, imagine the blackhole as a tear in the expanding force as you would imagine the funnel shaped cloud created from a plane breaking the sound barrier. Kind of like sticking a needle into a material that gives a little but is still extremely durable, except the needle goes so fast it leaves a amazingly powerful and lasting vaccuum effect.

Stars are constantly born, and they all have the chance to become a blackhole. Once several googles and more blackholes are created, resulting in the total collapse of the universe, all matter released in the beginning is used to create the stars that are later hyper-sped into the origin. "Returning" everything to the origin.

Remember what happens when our little scale is tipped? That's right, it returns to its original state. Meaning the singularity will once again become unstable, possibly at the immediate moment everything comes together. Infinite can only be just that, infinite. And, the singularity is in a vast abyss. Under these exact same conditions, the universe is again created by the exact same expansion as before. Resulting in a neverending loop of the universe expanding and contracting. Actually, perhaps imploding is a more plausible term.

As for a supreme being. I believe it is the singularity. The purist, infinite source of power. We all actually are created in the likeness of it. Though with this, the singularity might have a will of its own, and it has complete control. It simply unleashes its power in a way so that some organisms can understand and rationalize it. This isn't belittling supreme being at all In fact it goes beyond it creating the Earth and states that it created an entire universe full of planets. Perhaps because it wants something to love and wants that something to love it.

Some of that at the end is new, and I've actually typed up a paper that includes having absolute power, which the supreme entity does. Once you have it to a point where nothing could ever oppose you, all you can do is give it to people and watch how they cope. ^_^

Universal Theories - SoulEvan - 05-04-2003

Well, since nobody's posting. I guess I'll post yet again. ^_^

I guess I'll start babbling on about why I believe the answer to life is to live for the sake of living.

I believe we all live for the subconscious motive of discovering a supreme reason of existence. Thus, we live for the sake of living in order to find a reason to live. Or simply we live to know why. Also, we must already know the answer subconsciously because we do in fact live. I guess it's not a very solid argument because I'm more or less saying it is because it is. Gotta love Apple Jacks commercials.

Anyways, I personally have 100percent faith there is a supreme entity acting as my "safety net" because I know my subconscious wouldn't allow me to go through the daily tortures of life without a magnificent reason or safeguard.

Universal Theories - PuNkGirL - 05-04-2003

Well it is time for my two sense.

Ok now if there was a god out there, then half the shit that has happened wouldn't have happened. Sure you could say we are being tested. But note no one has talked to "said" god for over 2000 years now. What happened? Who is to say that those ppl even talked to god. Moses probably lit the bush on fire himself and something underneath caused it to appear to speak. He could be making the whole damned thing up for all we know. Notice that no one seems to talk to god in groups of people. Only one or two people seem to see or hear this god of theirs.

Next, did you know that the story of creation and Noah's ark (two of many) were actually in religious texts BEFORE hebrew was even thought up. Another thing is this. Why should there be one god? Who is to say that the Ancient greeks or the Sumerians were right. Hell the Egyptians could've had it. You don't know.

Ok another thing is this. If there was a god and he created this INFINITE universe but only put ONE planet in this entire universe that is habitial by life and on it he creates a race that is like Himself and procedes to dominate the earth. Um first what is the point of wasting the rest of the universe on nothing? I'm sure there is other life out there, probably sentient. Next, would god REALLY allow us humans to destroy this beautiful earth he has created? Notice that humans move around and CONSUME everything around them.

Do you realize that if you read the teachings of christianity perfectly, we would ALL be going to hell? How often do you confess your sins? How often do you go to church? How often do you lie? Have you had unmarital sex before? How often do you cuss(swear)? When you go to church, what do you do? Do you admire television stars? Because you know they would make false idols. Hell, even our priests can't get it right. Homosexuality is a sin, and they go far enough to pedifile. Of course pedifile isn't a sin, though we seem to make it be one.

What happened to all the miracle-men? There seemed to be so many back in biblical times: jesus, moses, noah, etc. where are they now? Why isn't there anyone helping all the starving people in India? You don't see some hack out in India turning rocks into bread do you?

My final thoughts on this whole thing. People are stupid and curious at the same time, they strive to want to know about everything. Of course they can't figure it out cause they are stupid, so they create some Celestial Being to explain the unexplained. Things that were thought to be caused by God can now be explained with simple science.

Universal Theories - SoulEvan - 05-04-2003

Allow me to use a simple example why "half the shit that has happened" has happened.

There's a father sitting in his measly apartment with the TV on. He's sitting on the sofa and sees that his child sits on the floor with his toys, paying no attention to him.

It's late, the door is open, and the hallway, void of lights, appears ominous to the child. He glances nervously towards the door, notifying his father of the dangers and fear that consume him, but the father doesn't respond.

This can be seen as cruel, but keep reading.

Eventually, the fear becomes too much for the child. He once again asks why his father refuses to shut the door. The father responds that the child has nothing to fear, and gestures for him to come sit up on his lap where it's safe. The child climbs up into his father's lap, but can't help but keep glancing towards the door. He can still feel the fear and the danger. The father could set the child's mind at ease and close the door, but he knows exactly what that would mean. The child would once again crawl down onto the floor, paying no attention to him.

The father refuses to shut the door because he wants so much to be the child's safe haven. I hope I didn't confuse anyone.

About this hearing from God. Imagine how empty everyone's faith would be if they knew for a fact God existed because he openly flaunted his power and spoke to everyone consciously. If you've read the bible, whenever Jesus would perform personal miracles he would ask the person not to go around talking about what had happened. Of course the person did. He wants the peoples' faith in him to be pure. Not motivated.

It's like a choice between loving your child so he'll love you, or buying your child gifts so he'll love you.

Whether there are other intelligent races throughout the universe or not. Wouldn't it be wise not to mention them for fear we would become jealous of the entity's love for them. What if we did have faith in an entity but discovered that another race was in much better shape than us? Naturally we'd be envious. It'd raise yet another "why" on our list of questions. Questioning shows a lack of faith.

Next, I don't think you have the knowledge to say ALL of us are going to hell. You don't know every last person on Earth, much less the universe.

About our lack of "miracle-men." How long do you think a society YOU'VE created would stay pure if it was constantly hammered with evil over and over and over and over. It all comes down to the fact that if there's rot it will spread.

We're less than nothing compared to any supreme being, if one exists. Wouldn't the intelligent thing to do be to make everything simple enough to be explained with "simple science."

Note : I am in NO WAY stating that I am better than anyone. Nor am I stating I'm not going to hell or anything. This is all just rationalization reinforced with a little logic.

Universal Theories - Wha? - 05-04-2003

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Universal Theories - SoulEvan - 05-04-2003

Problem with that is, there's nothing that exists that isn't special. Not to mention a singularity is hardly a cloud of dust. Oh well, that's all you man. ^_^

Universal Theories - Wha? - 05-05-2003

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