I am done - Printable Version

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I am done - Guest - 05-19-2003

I have been playing ricochet for about 4 years now through out the whole time i have been nice and friendly to people. But iam sick of everyone teating me like shit so i declare my retirment from rico. If anyone needs me contact my on my AIM slasher186. If you want to see me in game i will be playing Tfc At low grav muppets in space. to all the people who treated me very nicely Goodbye i shall miss you all. Grits thanks for being kind to me. lil Thanks for being a great friend. G Thanks for all the arguments. Acid Thanks for calling me stupid.Gwar thanks for the fun times. Frito Thanks for teaching me.

I am done - CloudFuel - 05-19-2003

4 years huh? didn't even know rico was out that long...anyway, lataz bro. Been fun playing ya...lata!

I am done - GRITS - 05-19-2003

:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(you can't:(:(:(:(:(:(:(


I am done - Guest - 05-19-2003

Cant what Grits Everyone is treating me badly so its no fun anymore for me I hate to leave all of you but when i get in im not having fun and i leave pissed :(:(:(:(:(

I am done - Guest - 05-19-2003

I shall make my last apprace tonight and that shall be it at 8:40 pm i shall come in and say good bye thats Mtn time

I am done - Pique - 05-19-2003

4 years? ok
seeing as HL is 5 years old, that means someone had to think of, create, and release this mod so you would play it in under a year. Was the SDK even out? CS wasn't even released until the second year that HL was out i believe.

Stop lying and people will stop being such pricks to you.

I am done - CloudFuel - 05-19-2003

haha....ahh pique...lovely.

I am done - Power and Glory - 05-19-2003

Rico came with CS Retail version along with some other mods like Firearms. It came out on November 3, 2000. I got the realease date from Gamespy. Back on topic I'm sorry to hear that you will not be playing anymore Slasher it was nice knowing you.

I am done - Guest - 05-19-2003

Good bye all. and pique please wash your mouth out with soap. You talking pretty nasty and if you want to talk about pricks look in a mirror.

I am done - _Acid_Head_ - 05-20-2003


I am done - fritoman - 05-20-2003

slasher come by and see us when you can, just use a different name if you wanna but make sure you say hi to me and that i know who you are, it has been great and maby after a break you will come back for a fight or two, sorry to see you go

I am done - CloudFuel - 05-20-2003

just fyi...this is a *game* you honestly should not harbor feelings of contempt towards other players...because wtf are you going to do about them? nada...

I am done - GRITS - 05-20-2003

Ok...enough animosity towards each other. As a community/family we are gonna fight, we are gonna pick on each other, it is human nature. Survival of the fittest, leader of the pack and all that crap.... But at some point it has to stop, hopefully it does before we hurt someone. I hated bullies in school, hated whiners too, my feelings haven’t changed except that now I have more hope for human nature and realize people are just testing their control or demonstrating their own insecurities when they have to rely on personal attacks. Ricochet is a calling should not affect the way you play, but it does, that is why I have a language filter, so that the harsh insensitive words can not be used to attack the player. Not counting the 10 and 12 year olds....I never feel like I am playing with 'kids'....most of you don’t come off as kids, actually I am usually impressed by the level of bantering and depths of the discussions and have to remind myself that most of you haven’t gotten out of your teens yet....then reality sets in when people resort to name calling and harassing people on a personal level just to push buttons and see if you can 'make em cry'. It is something we all have to learn to deal with in our lives. There will always be bullies and people who enjoy tormenting others. How we handle the situation helps determine the kind of person we develop into later in life. I am not sure who is responsible for running you off Slasher but I bet that those same people would stick up for their “little brother” if some noob was picking on you the same way. Not sure if you have older brothers and sisters….but I am sure you realize pushing until you cry uncle is part of the ‘rite de passage’. You made it this far….don’t quit.

I am done - Guest - 05-20-2003

Ok people i see leaving will just make you all scream and for lil come down here and make me play. I shall live on to fullfil my rico life but I will not stand for people just calling me stuff for no reason. lil will call me lil smokey but thats all in good fun Pique will call me a Quote Fuking moron unquote. Its not fun when people attack you just because they're older or they have a little edge on you. I dont see why pique is acting like He/Or she is. I used to have alot of fun playing pique before. If some noob comes in calling me stuff i dont really care but if it is some friend i have gotten to know and its not out of fun its kinda hurtful. and yes cloud this is just a game but some times a game can become a family.:thumb:

I am done - fritoman - 05-20-2003

woohoo, stay on and fight the good fight slasher, I have more repect for you now :rolleyes:and if someone starts picking on you just let me know and I will kick there ass for you OK,

I am done - Guest - 05-20-2003

Okie dokie Sensai

I am done - _Acid_Head_ - 05-20-2003

Quote:just fyi...this is a *game* you honestly should not harbor feelings of contempt towards other players...because wtf are you going to do about them? nada...

Ironically coming from CF.

I am done - jabbahunt - 05-20-2003

Could it be true, is Cloud growing up, no, I say no, say it isn't so. booo, booo.