Quality time with a good guy! - Printable Version

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Quality time with a good guy! - CloudFuel - 06-03-2003

Ok so SouR (aka SoulSolution) challenged me to a match (which I greedily accepted). We went to the uT server and I had trouble locking it, so during the game many:cens:joined and annoyed us...we had to kick them and also Soul lagged out at one our demos are extremely f-xored. I just wanna say sorry for all hard feelings previously held against either uT from his side or against him from our me...he's an awesome player, a humble player, and an all around good guy. I dunno bout this banning shit, but he's not nearly as bad as some may like to think.

Ok so anyway...we played first to 10...and wow it was a toughie. I think I went 2 - 1 on him, then he made it 3 - 2, then I went 5 - 3, then he went 7 - 5, then I made it 8 - 8, and then I took it home to win it at 10 - 8. The last round was all bumps and falls, so we redid it and I won it 3 - 2, but we are gonna rematch the ENTIRE match later again.

SoulSolution - 8
CloudFuel - 10

we'll get ya demos after we edit them...It was great...I enjoyed it a bunch SS. GG!

Quality time with a good guy! - CloudFuel - 06-03-2003

ok so delete 2 of these...cuz when I tried to said error, yet it posted anyway....very weird.

Also I have an idea...let's make a section STRICTLY for posting of matches and stuff!