I quit - Printable Version

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I quit - SoulEvan - 06-09-2003

Report card hasn't come in the mail yet, so I'm still free for the time being. But I quit...Rico's not going anywhere for me. If anything I'm getting worse. Game over, have fun, that's it, later.

I quit - RuNnInG_wIth_ScISsOrS - 06-09-2003

Damnit soul, this is like the third person we had quit today, and only two members came back today! Right now our net profit is not looking good for the second quarter. In all seriousness soul, I'm sad to see you go. Good luck in whatever new ventures you happen upon. GG's.

I quit - AnTiX - 06-09-2003

ok man.. take it from me.. DONT LEAVE.. ur gonna come bak.. i did like 3 times.. its dumb.. after playin RC for a while.. i dunno if you can just quit. unless u are forced to. but u leave then come bak.. people lose respect fer ya.. not worth it.. RC is more than just skill or whatever.. people here are the shit. better than any game ive ever played..(other than AO.. but it has their jack asses too).. but its up to u.. if u wanna walk down that road. its ur choice.

I quit - CloudFuel - 06-09-2003

Well his deal is that he didn't do so hot in school this year...and his parents are gonna be like "GSDGHSGDSDGNSGGP OMG OMG OMG"...So yeah most likely he won't see the light of a computer for a long time....

I quit - fritoman - 06-09-2003

cya man, stop back by when you get in good with the parents again,
good playin ya and i hope to see you soon
frito :(

I quit - jabbahunt - 06-09-2003

its clouds fault isnt it.

I quit - Beastie - 06-09-2003

Cloud called my mom one time and told her that ricochet was rotting my brain, dropping my grades, and was going to give me heart problems later in life. My mom was like... Beastie is 26!! She took it away from me for a whole day anyway! Damn you Cloud!

I think that was after I beat him all day. He sure got me!

Later Evan. Good luck!


I quit - CloudFuel - 06-09-2003


I quit - MorningStar - 06-09-2003

I dont really know u evan but im always sad when someone good quits rico.But well good luck and try to have fun..

I quit - MotherGoose - 06-09-2003

DAMN! Why must you leave? Why must ANYONE leave? Don't leave, just linger, that's what MotherGoose does. Instead of forgetting about ricochet all together, I lingered around the boards, checking them every other day, and playing once in a blue moon.

- MG :ghost:

I quit - GRITS - 06-09-2003

yeah I agree...and it's nice to see you MG when you gonna come play again?

I quit - SoulEvan - 06-09-2003

This isn't about grades anymore. I'm a plague to everyone I'm around when I play. Barriers break down and my hate comes flooding out, engulfing innocent people just trying to have fun. I'm through apologizing every other day. As cowardly and cold as it may seem, I'm just going to turn my back. At least until I straighten things out or die trying.

I quit - RuNnInG_wIth_ScISsOrS - 06-09-2003

Lol soul, nice quote. :lol:

I quit - kermit - 06-09-2003

maybe it's that whole virtual thing...we find ourselves acting in a way that we probably wouldn't if we were in public (i hope...^_^).

anyways, you have to take care of the important things first...that's what i'm realizing (probably what you are to)...i hate playing rico (or any game for that matter) when i should be doing something else...the stress doesn't go just compounds...always in the back of my mind. probably why i play in the first place is to escape things in real life but they are always there...waiting...lurking...growing stronger.

like today, i had a homework assignment due today that i avoided all last week and this plan was to wake up early (i go to evening school) and finish it but i just didn't want to face it so i played some ricochet and hldm (i played pissed cause i knew i was in deep shit...:D)...well, my class is at 5:45 and i didn't get started on it until 4:00 and no, i didn't finish it (about 1/3rd of it left)...which is stupid because if i just spent 1/2 an hour a day on it...i would of had it done in no time...and could of been free to enjoy my gaming

well, it's not just school either...but work, chores, errands...they don't seem to go away! anyways, i'm going to take a mulligan on this homework assignment and hopefully, not let it happen again...but it probably will...:lol:

I quit - [CAKE]anonymity - 06-14-2003

I really hope ypir not leaving evan, i've played you here and there, and you don't bother me, and you bring life to the server, even if it is just spam:P, but seriously, don't be afraid to give it another chance, we will be glad to see you.