My First Perm Banning. Guess who did the honours? - Printable Version

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My First Perm Banning. Guess who did the honours? - ][_ i m i t | e s s - 06-22-2003

Post the Log. You'll see I did not deserve perm banning, once again you have over-reacted and have been caught with your hands down your pants! Now, the log, pleeeeeasssse.:angry:

My First Perm Banning. Guess who did the honours? - GRITS - 06-22-2003

What up ][_imit? give me some me if you want to
you sure it is permanent?
only bigotted and racist terms are permanent without admin discussion...I will let you know what I hear on this end

My First Perm Banning. Guess who did the honours? - ][_ i m i t | e s s - 06-22-2003

Ahhh...everyone's looking now... I will be back later tonight to see my log. feel free to send me a copy please at [email protected]. Thanks! (I want to show my friends, they admin TFC/CS servers. Believe me, they needa good laugh!):thumb::smurf:

My First Perm Banning. Guess who did the honours? - GRITS - 06-22-2003

Grow up ][_imit I am trying to handle your complaint as quickly and thoroughly as I can and you come back with this bull shit it makes me not want to help at all

UPDATED ok I realize I reacted instead of responding to your post ][_ but you were way to quick to turn belligerent. I was working as fast as I could on the situation but everything is not at my fingertips. Keep in mind not all server admins will investigate a banning and you could be attitude can quickly change my decision on how far I want to go to resolve a situation. I apologize for the 'grow up' comment I was angry with your impatience.
I have unbanned your wonid from the server. It was an honest mistake. We have been having some problems with the servers and adminmod since the change over.

My First Perm Banning. Guess who did the honours? - Guest - 06-22-2003

A few people were asking in the chat room about this, and I have to agree that the above impatience is not going to help in the situation. It seems to me that a few attitudes of late have been mockery towards the admins and expectation of instant answers....

Both of which I feel is a li'l unfair...

My First Perm Banning. Guess who did the honours? - jabbahunt - 06-22-2003

I was drunk last nite, I hope I did it, but can't remember, I told you grits to not let me ban anyone last nite.

My First Perm Banning. Guess who did the honours? - GRITS - 06-22-2003

Twas not you my luv you did fine last has been taken care of and we can all move on now