Interesting Concept.... - Printable Version

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Interesting Concept.... - CloudFuel - 07-07-2003

Anyways, I've been talking to a lot of new players who are...well really damn good. They're not a G-BOY or RWS, but hey they're still badass. I also know that RiP is looking for ONE new member...just ONE out of all these awesome players. So of course the idea springs upon us that HEY maybe we need a new clan...but here's where it gets freaky. I know some of you are gonna hate this, while others are intriqued, and still others are like...that won't work, but just hear me out.

You've seen American Idol right? Survivor Maybe? Road Rules? Real World? Any of those *Reality shows* will do. Anyways here's the concept. We attempt to put together a *dream team* of ricochet players. We have the best non-clan players play against each other and certain members who are already in clans could watch them and sorta vote on who they like. We'd have a panel of like 5 judges and we'd pick a certain amount of players...say 10, to be in a clan. Now after they're in the clan it's their deal...they sink...or they swim. It's up to them who the leader is and how they want to run things. I'll definitely help out a lot in this, but I just wanna get some feedback from you it THAT bad of an idea? or am I kinda onto something here?

Interesting Concept.... - Scrye - 07-07-2003

I think it`s a good idea cloud!!
we need more clans

well, i guess Pr0. is coming back too because
Tozzar/Turtle just joined, so that may take some players.
Thats if it keeps going.

But i do believe that its worth a try. :D

Interesting Concept.... - CloudFuel - 07-07-2003

No that's the person I'm referring to...we're talking to him about doing some OTHER stuff...

Interesting Concept.... - g-boy - 07-07-2003

As a person who hates reality TV and all trends associated with pop culture... no... no... and no.

Interesting Concept.... - PuNkGirL - 07-07-2003

that is the dumbest thing i've ever heard cloud..... If a group of ppl wanted to make a clan, they don't need our opinions on the matter.

Interesting Concept.... - Sockhole - 07-07-2003

Lets just pretend this never happened.

Interesting Concept.... - CloudFuel - 07-07-2003

Hah...hahahha I knew that was gonna happen. That's too funny. Alice...In my defense...I'm not trying to say our opinions are necessary...but think of it in this way. It's somewhat of a competition. The best non clan members....Now we don't have to make them be in a clan...but I dunno it'd be kind of cool to have some kind of thing to do. I dunno. Behind the scenes of the Real World popped on...and I somehow got into it....then came and wrote head's kinda....yeah....

Interesting Concept.... - soulsolution - 07-07-2003

CloudFuel,Jul 7 2003, 03:06 PM Wrote:No that's the person I'm referring to...we're talking to him about doing some OTHER stuff... are trying to make him leave pr0. and have him join a clan that you guys created..

Interesting Concept.... - _Acid_Head_ - 07-07-2003

Quote:my head's kinda....yeah....

Interesting Concept.... - CloudFuel - 07-07-2003

No Soul. pr0 is Newbie's clan...not Turtle's. He just took the name, but some of us who were playing with him said hey make your own clan and ditch the pr0 name. It has bad karma. This idea I came up with had nothing to do with that, except for the fact that I've noticed him and others wanting to have a badass clan. The plan I had was to make a clan full of the best players who aren't already in clans. I expected rants and flamers, but that's fine...I'm just waiting to see everyone's opinions...especially those of the one's who'd be involved...

Interesting Concept.... - fritoman - 07-07-2003

I think cloud is just trying to instigate the creation of a new clan to help the community grow

Interesting Concept.... - Power and Glory - 07-07-2003

Cloud there are some surprises on the way so sit back and put your seatbelt on. It's good news and bad news.

Interesting Concept.... - CloudFuel - 07-07-2003

what do you mean...

Interesting Concept.... - jabbahunt - 07-07-2003

Good news is, I just saved 15 percent on my auto insurance

Interesting Concept.... - ][_ i m i t | e s s - 07-07-2003

What did you call Gecko???:smurf:

Interesting Concept.... - soulsolution - 07-07-2003

¬_¬ geico..its geico :P :lol:

Interesting Concept.... - MotherGoose - 07-08-2003

You guys are taking clans to a competative level, a level that is far too high for this very small game-based community. A player shouldn't have to necessarily be very good at the game, they should just have to be liked by the clan to be recruited. If you make up all these extra merits for being a member of your clan--being in a social atmosphere that clans create start to become less and less enjoyable.

I think the clan systems these days are extremely flawed...

- MotherGoose :ghost:

Interesting Concept.... - fritoman - 07-09-2003

where the hell have you been goose? we miss you man


Interesting Concept.... - [CAKE]anonymity - 07-09-2003

well, if u ask me i think clans are for bonding (don't say no one asked me:P), a group of people just playing to socialize. Its like when you go fishing, who's actaully their to fish? Thats how [CAKE] lasted so long i think, it was just a group of us (a small group) playing the game because it was fun and a nice break from cs, and we liked it enough to start a clan (revolutionary at the time B)) and we turned into half decent players. So just remeber to stick with the basics and what grew you to the game in the first place. Most clans disolve because it stope being fun.

Interesting Concept.... - Guest - 07-10-2003

You don't need to be in a clan to socialise, but if Cloud's offering monetary insentives to fight others... ;-)