Forget it! - Printable Version

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Forget it! - Guest - 07-25-2003

Ya know what forget it ive spent too much time pretending and hoping this game was gonna be the same as it used to be. Any of the half decent spirited people who day play are barely even on anymore. Ive gone out of my way to be nice to people, and what I get in return is something I would expect on counter-strike. It would be rude to say who I hate (DD, Diablo, Ck blah blah) but I only got into this shit again so I could sey to frito. So Fritoman--Hey!:thumb:
-Peace out [*RiP*]ThisShitsTrippy

Forget it! - sage_4 - 07-25-2003


Forget it! - Quickening - 07-25-2003

Cya Trippy...not happy to see ya go but you know where to find me in dod..and what other games are you playin and and what servers?

Forget it! - fritoman - 07-25-2003

ah come on man you dont wanna leave, stick around and see whats next, hl2 just around the corner, its gonna get interesting and I want you around for the ride. at least dont say your gonna leave, so you can come in and see us.

your just mad at a server that I dont have any control over, screw them and come home again, you know you are always welcome at our door, and we dont "mess around" on our server.

reconsider and stay and play B)


Forget it! - Quickening - 07-25-2003

Nicely said frito and I agree with frito 100% trippy screw that server just chill with us..

Forget it! - [CAKE]anonymity - 07-25-2003

yeah, at least give it some time to think about it, its one server, don't let it destroy a game for you because of it, just hang out with me and the gang on holdouts.

Forget it! - Quickening - 07-25-2003

Trippy you have msn or aim or somthin?

Forget it! - Guest - 07-26-2003

trippy can u be anymore sad... ur the one who started complaining about diablo getting unbanned... u can't have everything ur way... who cares if alota ppl hate him... u gotta live with things..

i have the demo of u complaining and yelling and swearing and everything... i also have the text copied from that big chat in aol... so.... yeah...

and about that "hey daredevil i have trippys ip" that was all u... ur trying to screw around with RFA and its server... but it was obvious... how u were the first one to reply and crap.... and ur kicking ppl that i play... ur kicking ppl who join... and one nite u kicked everyone and locked server and left... now... no one has admin except me and gr3p so if something happens u can blame it on us 2... but if something happens with trippy... its all fake... hes just sayin hes quitting for ur peoples attention and so u'll hate us to... hes a whiner that wants things... i thought we were friends trip but i didn't no u could be so cold... u got banmned and u complained a hell of a lote.. now u r unbanned and ur still complaining... ur not gunna get diablo and ck banned now...

Forget it! - Quickening - 07-26-2003

Hmm DD who are you to say that everyone hates trippy...he was in rc way longer than you and I know for sure that frito and I don't hate him...

Forget it! - Shalk - 07-26-2003


Forget it! - Guest - 07-26-2003

wooops sorry :S

Forget it! - [CAKE]anonymity - 07-26-2003

i have an idea, it was sparked by DD's "sorry", why doesn't every party envolved in this thing, apoligize to every other party, and try to firgive and forget, start with a clean sleat again and then we can try to get things back to normal for grits.

Forget it! - FreeFall - 07-26-2003

That would defy the laws of human nature anon....

Forget it! - Guest - 07-26-2003

CK I gotta say you really handle shit well in a respectfull fashion, but DD, damn! ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** YOU DD allright dont tell me shit when your lil newbie ass is strolling around trying to get into everyones pockets.

Forget it! - Quickening - 07-26-2003

Wow trippy thats a lot of swearin...

Forget it! - Guest - 07-26-2003

yeah dd just got on aim and told me how he wants to be my friend now and all this shit, how surprising. Shifting the blame back to everyone else blah blah. Hes the only person I can say that ive met on ricochet that i really ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***ing hate

Forget it! - Quickening - 07-26-2003

Hmmm...k Just check your inbox I sent you a PM

Forget it! - Guest - 07-26-2003

Ya know what quick your right im being brash. Besides i was a bit "impaired" when i made this post.

Forget it! - [CAKE]anonymity - 07-26-2003

Trippy, he apoligized, thats all he could have done at that point, if u can think of something he can do, i'm sure he'll be willing to do it.

Forget it! - Quickening - 07-26-2003

Trippy will be fine as long as he gets msn messenger :P

Forget it! - [CAKE]anonymity - 07-26-2003

I hope so, DD and trippy are both great guys, and i respect the both of them a lot, unfortunatley this pitted them against each other, when neither did anything.

Forget it! - Guest - 07-27-2003

i have messenger if u want quick:P

Forget it! - ][_ i m i t | e s s - 07-27-2003

Awww shit, sorry to see ya go Bro! We had a couple nights of goodtimes...See you around if you wanna play or something of the like lemme know. SMOKEU321 is my AOL, sable_unblazoned@hotmail is MSN!
I see you got yourself into the RiP afterall! Good for you, take it easy Trippy! :thumb::smurf: