Public Thank Yous - Printable Version

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Public Thank Yous - GRITS - 08-20-2003

I would like some input especially if you are one of those players who helps out all the time. It makes my job a lot easier to look for an XXX than it does to scan the logs for problems. I have 5 servers and it takes me 2 hours every morning to just search for XXX and rcon in the logs...I don't have time to read through them....even tho some people think I do.:P
Basically the top 2 answers are the real poll I just put the other two in for fun.

Public Thank Yous - jabbahunt - 08-20-2003

You forgot the option 5 of tangible appreciation:
You know ,ahem, awards and such. Maybe a poll on what kind should be given, Pix you any ideas?

Public Thank Yous - _Acid_Head_ - 08-20-2003


Public Thank Yous - Guest - 08-21-2003

Some 'treasure' from the infamous GRITS household.... the winner is the one who has the most coke items once it's bare!:)

Public Thank Yous - brokend - 08-21-2003

didn't we already do a prize thread? i don't remember what it was, but it had something to do with either a wallaby, or a hippo, or water buffalo or something. i say, we get our hands on one of those bad boys;)

Public Thank Yous - jabbahunt - 08-21-2003

I have never seen Ideas fly over people's heads so fast.

Public Thank Yous - Guest - 08-21-2003

me either:huh:

Public Thank Yous - FreeFall - 08-21-2003


Send them lots of money...and to make it easier for you, you can send it all to me.. from which point I will have you believe that I will be delivering the prize to all that deserve it when really..... I'm bookin' it down to mexico..

hmm I probably shouldn't reveal that if I want it to work<_<

Public Thank Yous - GRITS - 08-30-2003

Public Thank yous look like the favorite I will leave this poll open one more day.....

and while I am at it.....

Thanks acid_head for the insight into the posting of the IPs in the Hall of Shame...I changed my protocol and just post those in a private forum:thumb:

Public Thank Yous - GRITS - 08-31-2003

Ok from now on if someone other than an admin post the XXX for someone who deserves banning (temporary or permanent) I will thank them in the same post I ban the player. If it disturbs the individual they can let me know and I will remove their name.

I really do appreciate it when there is no admin around and regulars take the time to post XXX in the chat. We have rid ourselves of numerous chat spammers and some pretty nasty racist/bigots.

Of course I appreciate my admins as well for all the harassing they endure to keep the servers peaceful.:wub: