Banned..? I know why, I think - Printable Version

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Banned..? I know why, I think - RushJet1 - 09-23-2003

I renamed myself Malcontent for Counter-strike bc people didn't like "rushjet1" on the lan. I renamed myself that for RC too without thinking-- is that an automatic thing? You know I've never done anything racist/bigotty (is that a word?), right? If so, please tell me when/why.

Banned..? I know why, I think - Guest - 09-23-2003

Can't say I have ever notice you being that way... however, if that's your ID then something must have happened, you don't get banned for just having Malcontent for a name.

Banned..? I know why, I think - _Acid_Head_ - 09-23-2003

Uhm, I've seen first timers get banned for coming in with the name "Malcontent"...

Banned..? I know why, I think - GRITS - 09-23-2003

nope those first timers name was not Malcontent the server changed their name to Malcontent...they were banned for the bigotted or racist names that they were using..
Rushjet came in and he had already made his name Malcontent...I that wouldnt have been it...have to check the recent numbers banned
I will go do that now...

Banned..? I know why, I think - RushJet1 - 09-23-2003

Sorry for the inconvienience, thanks for trying to help, GRITS. I dunno why this happened... huh.

Banned..? I know why, I think - GRITS - 09-23-2003

Ok my bad if your number is 3865994
I misread a couple of lines when Mocofa Brazil and acid_head were touting bin laden
sorry about that , thanks for bringing it to the forums
I will unban that number now

btw I have never heard "Rushjet1" ever say anything racist or biggoted
I apologize for putting it on the forums.....I hear he has a thing against green frenchfries tho:P

Banned..? I know why, I think - _Acid_Head_ - 09-23-2003

I can't beleive he tried to get me banned for mocking a bin laden supporter.

Banned..? I know why, I think - GRITS - 09-23-2003


I don't see it acid_head...little paranoia setting in?
no one even mentioned your name but me...there wasnt even an XXX in the logs I just happen to see where Brazil had typed
L 09/19/2003 - 16:14:54: "I Don't suck =)<143><1093384><143>" say ":L|"
L 09/19/2003 - 16:14:57: "Mocofa BRAZIL<148><2813849><148>" say "F U C K USA"
L 09/19/2003 - 16:14:59: "Malcontent<145><3865994><145>" say "?"
L 09/19/2003 - 16:15:02: "The King of Town<147><1497176><147>" say "How did he beat the AFK!?!"
L 09/19/2003 - 16:15:04: "Mocofa BRAZIL<148><2813849><148>" say "F U C K BUSH"
L 09/19/2003 - 16:15:17: "Malcontent<145><3865994><145>" say "good for you, you know how to avoid the filter!!"
L 09/19/2003 - 16:15:31: "Mocofa BRAZIL<148><2813849><148>" say " USA BOOOOOM"
L 09/19/2003 - 16:15:37: "_acid_head_<126><2606480><126>" say "BOOM BOOM"
L 09/19/2003 - 16:15:43: "Mocofa BRAZIL<148><2813849><148>" say "LONG LIFE TO BIN LADEN"
L 09/19/2003 - 16:18:01: "Mocofa BRAZIL<148><2813849><148>" say "f u c k all americans"

it sort of sticks out wouldnt you say...I read further just to check out Malcontent and saw
where you guys who were on did a great job of just ignoring him and he just disconnected
I thought he reconnected because I saw

L 09/19/2003 - 16:19:03: "_acid_head_<126><2606480><126>" say "BRAZIL FOREVER"
L 09/19/2003 - 16:19:08: "_acid_head_<126><2606480><126>" say "LONG LIFE THE BIN LADEN"

saw it was you, so posted the warning about bigotted comments even as jokes can be offensive...and warnings are different from threats. I do not have time to read all the logs much less when I got off of my vacation and was catching up on 130 I just look for XXX and rcon and sometimes certain things stick out, I apologized to Rushjet because I didnt take the time to read it carefully enough and accidently banned his wonid thinking he was in cahoots with Brazil

Banned..? I know why, I think - RushJet1 - 09-23-2003

Haha, I did say I was racist against green french fries and other food that is not its original color, but that is the extent of my "racism" (my sister dyed scrambled eggs red once for fun-- it looked like I was eating guts or something.. eww...).

Banned..? I know why, I think - _Acid_Head_ - 09-23-2003

Why would your local acid head ever really praise bin laden? Especially with that grammar!