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New Clan - MorningStar - 10-08-2003

Okay so me and Chent decided to make our own clan wich means we quit uT. (after I told chent he can be Co whatever he liked ;)) We agreed on the name VVV (Veni Vidi Vici means "I came, I saw, I conquered" or something like that) Chentvin is working on a somekind of simple website for VVV and is doing well :thumb:. We are recruiting but no noobs can get in... (We've had thousands of requests from ppl who wants in VVV :P) We wont recruit any strangers either.. strangers to me at least. Stay Tuned.

New Clan - Chentvin - 10-08-2003

Exactly, we have our own clan now...
The website will be ready soon, maybe tomorrow if I have time...everything done by myself with the notepad :P(except the menu)
If there is any problem or complaints about the clan, just send an email to MS, if you want to say something cool about the clan, email me :P

New Clan - ][_ i m i t | e s s - 10-08-2003

Oh you sons of ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***es! Clouds gonna be so pissed off!! wtf everyones leaving. so its down to me and....ME. Hey this settles the co-leader dispute. Recip add me up on the MSN ([email protected]) or AIM (SMOKEU321)!!!

New Clan - Shalk - 10-08-2003

well i adviced them to do it..... uT won't go anywhere when Cloud said something like a mounth ago about he going to make a co-l but he isn't answering MSN + isn't here at all. they did well...... u dont like it? your prob. they both have the same timezone + they both active..... its already good

Oh and btw... GL ^_^ and u forgot to write that i helped u guys with the idea :o

New Clan - MorningStar - 10-08-2003

Shalk it wasnt rly thanks to u we made that clan. I wouldve made it with someone anyway and I think I wouldve chose Chent. (he can make websites :D) Limit it was clouds own fault we left the clan, he didnt do anything for it. Good luck being a Co limit... there arent rly much people at this point in uT for who u could be a Co, recip is in RiP u no?

New Clan - ][_ i m i t | e s s - 10-08-2003


New Clan - _Acid_Head_ - 10-08-2003

Good luck with the clan.

New Clan - Chentvin - 10-08-2003

Hey Limit, we did nothing bad, just relax...we only created a new clan 'cause uT seems...dead, uT no longer has a leader but if you really don't want to see uT die ask cloud if you can be co-leader.

New Clan - GRITS - 10-08-2003

Good luck guys...let me know when the website is available Chentvin and we can add a link here

New Clan - fritoman - 10-08-2003

Good luck guys I am sure you will do great, cus as soon as we switch to steam it is going to be a whole new world. But I think it is great you got together to do this cus I think you guys will run a good clean clan.


New Clan - MorningStar - 10-08-2003

U just had to remind me of that steam thingy :o hole new terrible world...

New Clan - g-boy - 10-08-2003

Yeah, recip is in RiP.

New Clan - [CAKE]anonymity - 10-08-2003

good luck with the new clan, and Ut will be fine, you dont need many players to have a succesfull clan. (some experiance on my part).

New Clan - FreeFall - 10-08-2003

What in the name of all that is holy is up with your avatar Chent?!?? Oh ya, Good luck.

New Clan - jabbahunt - 10-08-2003

good luck guys and congrats.

ps. don't kill the kitty, I'm just learning to love the kitty.

New Clan - [CAKE]anonymity - 10-08-2003

i saw we give the kitty a gun, and post that pic that frito posted.

New Clan - RuNnInG_wIth_ScISsOrS - 10-08-2003

Well Limit, me and you are ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***ed. Let me just say good luck with the new clan Chent/Morning, and let's all take a moment of silence to mourn the death of uT (don't delude yourselves folks, we need a miracle) on this fateful day.

RIP (No pun intended) uT.

New Clan - Quickening - 10-08-2003

A clan is a clan..yes I was a part of uT, I loved uT; a great group of people..but please there is no emotion involved when a clan dies..and if you think you are f*cked why don't you branch off and make your own clan?

Good luck Chent and MS, hope yall have a great clan and good times.

New Clan - RuNnInG_wIth_ScISsOrS - 10-08-2003

I was referring to the clan, since I think Limit and I are the only two active (kinda) members right now. If I was emotional I wouldn't have used emoticons.

New Clan - Shalk - 10-09-2003

g-boy... im not co-l. im 1 of the fouders ^_^ just to be correct, (me, Rulepool2 and KillingSpree opened this clan together) :)

New Clan - MorningStar - 10-09-2003

This topic wasnt about RiP as u already said g-boy ur getting totally off the topic... Maybe we should get only Admins in VVV so they wont mess with admins and get a ban :P

New Clan - Chentvin - 10-09-2003

FreeFall,Oct 9 2003, 12:11 AM Wrote:What in the name of all that is holy is up with your avatar Chent?!??  Oh ya, Good luck.
oops forgot to unplug the electric razor...
I guess it's not the good moment to give a gun to my cat :ph34r:

New Clan - GRITS - 10-09-2003

yeah that kitty looks pretty POd
he should be the mascot for your clan.....:D

New Clan - WidowMaker - 10-09-2003

Do you have to be good to join your clan? Or can anyone join....?

New Clan - MorningStar - 10-09-2003

You hafty have some skill of course... we wont take noobs and u must be a good guy.. also we wont take any strangers even if their awesome with their skills.

New Clan - Quickening - 10-09-2003


New Clan - Chentvin - 10-09-2003

The website is up and located at (it's a very simple website)
If you want to join you will also need to agree with ALL the rules. If you are interested in the clan contact me or MorningStar via msn, email or pm.

New Clan - Gwarsbane - 10-09-2003

URL is now up on the main Ricochet page

New Clan - [CAKE]anonymity - 10-09-2003

looks like a cool site, and good luck guys, hope for many happy days, of killing stuff in space, what a joyus occasion.

New Clan - FreeFall - 10-10-2003

nice site..better than any front page crap I woulda made ^_^