The Illustrious Jooza - Printable Version

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The Illustrious Jooza - RuNnInG_wIth_ScISsOrS - 01-14-2004

It had been months since the last sighting and I knew I was getting close; I could taste the fear in the air, the stench of it tearing at my body. I knew I had found the place and that I, RWS, would be the man to claim the prize. I entered the server and watched all the angles, all the players, I knew the feared beast could be anywhere. I began a friendly match with a player known as... Player, I inspected him closely and realized this was not my vaunted prey. I brushed off the match as another win, when, he struck. With tenacity and skill unbeknownst to steam servers and players, he ripped me to shreds with his accurate and feared decapitation discs. There was little I could do before is ever ongoing onslaught, the hunter had become the hunted. In desperation I knew there was only one possible alternative: with a fearful and weak voice I asked this mysterious persona one question, "A/S/L?"

So yeah, ran into Jooza on the steam Holdouts server. He owned me, to be frank, and just about everyone else in the server. Someone tell his lazy ass to play more.

The Illustrious Jooza - g-boy - 01-14-2004

I must fight the demon again....

The Illustrious Jooza - GRITS - 01-14-2004

darkson can be found on steam Holdouts too(major camping competition for you g-boy) ...and he found all of us on #vadavaka irc
just can't get rid of some of our prodigal sons

Welcome back guys

The Illustrious Jooza - jabbahunt - 01-14-2004

darkson was on tonite with a few of the rip boys and he was enjoying some of his old ways. but unfortunately the server crashed as it has been known to do lately, and we lost him.

The Illustrious Jooza - g-boy - 01-14-2004

Darkson!!! My battles with my counterpart are epic.

The Illustrious Jooza - Guest - 01-14-2004

I too remember Darkson, for his camping style used to give me problems, but I also had him about the same number of times as I *cough* let it beat me *cough*...:)

The Illustrious Jooza - [CAKE]anonymity - 01-14-2004

Im just glad to see people comeing back. Always good for the community. I still want to play with RWS, and I hardly remember Jooza. With any luck I will be able to squeeze in the odd kill here and their.

The Illustrious Jooza - Pique - 01-14-2004

you should all remember jooza...he was the one that started the most famous post of them all had over 1000 replies i think and it started a LOT of....stuff

The Illustrious Jooza - GRITS - 01-14-2004

LMAO Pique, nice to know we can all look backand laugh about things:D