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Stats - Guest - 01-15-2004

I see Razor and I are holding the stats board quite nicely on the CS server. If you would like to see YOUR name in lights....PLAY MORE CS ON VADS. Put down the discs...step away from the bounce pads maam and put on this Kevlar vest. No you can't take that shield with belongs to Wanksta.

Stats - Reciprocity - 01-15-2004

I'm on the stats?:P

Stats - Power and Glory - 01-15-2004

That's one reason why I don't play CS or any other game with stats. After awhile stats become the only thing some people care about.

Stats - Guest - 01-15-2004

Hey, my name was on there for the longest death streak... wonder where that went...

Stats - Guest - 01-15-2004

Why not reward someone for achieving in a game. Every sport has a ranking system whether it be high school football or professional tennis. People like to see 'where they stand' against the crowd.

Common P&G....are ya saying that if they put psychostats on ricochet, that you would stop playing it?

It makes you play a little better to know that if you play reckless and non-caring that it will be directly reflected in your rating.

PS....muhahaha...i SAW that Net.....I saw it and thought of Wanksta's shields coming down the hall at you.

Stats - Guest - 01-15-2004

Yeah, until I stole it off him and then I survived for a while ;-)

Stats - fritoman - 01-15-2004

the bad part about stats for me is insted of people knowing that I suck they can look it up and know that I REALLY suck

Stats - Guest - 01-15-2004

Nah, your a middle of the roader... I suck coz I get -ve bonus points ... still at least wha now has the most likely to die one...

Stats - Guest - 01-15-2004


Stats - Reciprocity - 01-15-2004

I and a lot of other people don't play for play to try and help your team win. Stats are a byproduct.

Stats - GRITS - 01-15-2004

Thanks to all my true friends for not mentioning that I happen to be last on my own server....but I bet I have more fun than any of you

Stats - [CAKE]anonymity - 01-15-2004

I think i am 20 something, but i dont care much about CS. I do remember haveing the top ranking on the prO stats in dm awhile back.

Stats - Power and Glory - 01-15-2004

Quote:It makes you play a little better to know that if you play reckless and non-caring that it will be directly reflected in your rating.

My rating? Big deal like I would care. Is something bad going to happen to me if I have a bad rating? I only play my games for fun always have always will. I have always felt that stats have an overall negative impact

We will just have to agree to disagree. I will no longer post in this thread since I do not want to start an argument.

FYI PIX or Tak or whatever you want to be called I barely play Rico anymore now the way it is. I have played about 5 times in the last 4 months. I am enjoying the community on Sven and have begun to get to settle in over there.

Stats - Pique - 01-15-2004

omg pix you're a fiend...

Stats - Guest - 01-16-2004

I'm TOTALLY confused????

At what point did this freaking post turn into bad vibe from something funny???? This post
was originally suppose to be poking fun at the people I have been playing with regularly at
nite at Vads and trying to inspire a laugh. Now it's turned into a funeral march.

Yes were top ranked on ricochet along with all the CAKE boys.

Stats - [CAKE]anonymity - 01-16-2004

Quote:Yes were top ranked on ricochet along with all the CAKE boys.

We all shared it, but i would be afraid to enter any DM1 server with stats now, there are a lot more DMers out their then most people know. You should see GRITS on it now :wacko:

Stats - Guest - 01-16-2004

Bah...GRITS uses hax now....
I've seen her do it. I saw her hacking on Vads the other night also.:P

Stats - Pique - 01-16-2004

omg pix you're a fiend

Stats - kermit - 01-16-2004

stats are like crack to some people. i was playing cs one time and after every round this guy would type 'myskill'...especially after he got killed. it was sad because some of the regulars there were really making fun of him about it but he couldn't

i checked out the stats page for vads recently and i'm in the bottom ten not much higher than grits....haha. but i agree with grits about having fun. the stats page is's up to the individual if they want to check them out or take it seriously.

Stats - [CAKE]anonymity - 01-16-2004

whats the URL for the stats page anyway?

Stats - GRITS - 01-16-2004

No body tell him, it is posted at least three different places he needs to pay more attention

Stats - Guest - 01-16-2004

I'm not telling...

I don't want to get labeled as a stat URL pimp.

You guys will have to find this new drug on your own.

BTW... it's /rank

Stats - GRITS - 01-16-2004

K I was just picking on anon

There is a current status link here that I want to put on the status page for all the servers

Stats - FreeFall - 01-17-2004

YAY! cause i was wondering the same thing as anon

Stats - Guest - 01-17-2004

Pique,Jan 16 2004, 10:01 PM Wrote:omg pix you're a fiend
I am sure I experienced a sense of deja vu when I read that for a second time.

Stats - Guest - 01-17-2004

yeah...i thought i had seen it once before.

deja vu all over againB)

Stats - GRITS - 01-19-2004

wow Thor hard to believe you havent played before...ok that is coming from a novice but I still thought you did well.

Stats - fritoman - 01-19-2004

GO GO GO!!! thor. good job man

Stats - Guest - 01-19-2004

Thor is my nemesis....he ALWAYS picks Terrorist and always comes sneaking
through a door to kill me.


Stats - Guest - 01-19-2004

I see Turtle doing some house cleaning this weekend. Nice going man!!!!