Let's talk bugs and exploits - Printable Version

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Let's talk bugs and exploits - GRITS - 06-09-2003

Some players seem to think that shooting over the rail is a cheat. I dont think it is anymore of a cheat than a fancy jump is a learned skill that I feel has increased the popularity of the game. And since I never saw any real "game instructions" I have just gone with the flow of the crowd. I was wondering did anyone ever see any play by play instructions? I am sure there is a reason why you have a red or blue disk and the platforms are red and blue but I have never heard of any particular rules that we as the regular players have not created...I hope we were not expected to read the developers minds on what their intentions were for the game:wacko:
"talk amongst yourselves" and then get back with me here...

Let's talk bugs and exploits - _Acid_Head_ - 06-09-2003

Shooting over the rail is the equivalent of any old trick or method you've used in CS. There's just so many hidden in RC that people fail to realize how others use them, and how fun it is to learn them.

Let's talk bugs and exploits - smartass - 06-09-2003

its one of the oldest tricks I think is ok to use it I completely agree its like a good jump except its a good shot. People dont call you a cheater for shooting them while they are in the air its the same thing. I dident realize it until now but people really piss me off:upto:

Let's talk bugs and exploits - Wha? - 06-09-2003

Ricochet is what's known (by me, whether anyone else does or not is unknown) as a classic "red vs. blue" shooter. Usually mpfps games have two teams, one red, one blue. Not sure which Quake brought it in, but I'm positive it was Quake. Team 1 is always red, team 2 is always blue.

Even Half-Life had this going on, even the additional teams were colour-coded; team 3 was green, team four yellow.... (you DMers should be making a connection now)

Players are red and blue to symbolize those classic teams, and the pads corespond to the teams. Most of the dev time was spent on arena, so it has a sort of onboard teamplay.

Let's talk bugs and exploits - g-boy - 06-09-2003

Yeah, I believe this was sparked by the fact that I was playing some guy, and I was doing my whole stalling and shooting over the barrier routine. This guy kept saying "damn exploits" and he explained it was an exploit. His rationale was that the barrier was put there for a reason, that is, to block shots or to ricochet shots.
He thinks an exploit is anything that was not designed into the game. But apparently whoever made Ricochet must have intended midair shots, right? Otherwise you'd only be able to shoot while on the pad. The barrier would be bigger so that you couldn't shoot over it while someone is landed and still hit them. So my thoughts are that in arena, it should be perfectly acceptable to shoot in midair and have it happen to be over the barrier. There is nothing preventing it, there is nothing that says you shouldn't do it. And GRITS is right... why are we trying to read the mind of the devs? Unless it's an obvious exploit, who is to say we can't do fancy jumps, do midairs, stall, and shoot over barriers? Maybe that all was built in, intended, and was not just a discovery that players made.
My style seems unfathomable to newer players... jumping in one spot, cutting off heads, and just barely skimming the discs over barriers. To many, I can almost understand how it appears to be a cheat. It's just funny when these guys come in and are convinced they are right, even though I told them there is a whole community that accepts the style.

Let's talk bugs and exploits - Wha? - 06-09-2003

Hehe, I love those idiots.

The manual makes a very clear statement that "savy players can even land on enemy pads" or something of the like. Obviously you cant land if you aren't airborne and you can't land in the wrong spot without knowing how to steer. There you go, it's official.