CS rico clan - Printable Version

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CS rico clan - GRITS - 06-07-2004

I would really like to see a clan of some regular ricochet players who own in CS....maybe temporary but I think some of you could really own some of these CS players who think ppl play ricochet because they were losers in CS
I am thinking.......well you guys and gals know who you are that own in CS like 8 players who rock at CS but still luv Ricochet....

R Ricochet
I intimidates
C CounterStrike
O opponents

or something else that says.....we DARE you to play us....put up or shut up.....
ok its late and I should get to bed before I get too fiesty for my own britches...:blsh:

CS rico clan - fritoman - 06-07-2004

I am not that good at CS but I am game. :D

CS rico clan - FreeFall - 06-07-2004

I'm so off and on though. . it sounds cool but what if I played and got ownZored to the maxZor! I would be a disgrace to the clanZor! I don't wanna go doing any discracing. . er. . discraZoring.

Off and on meaning. .i frequently go from good to bad.

CS rico clan - Apex - 06-07-2004

Sounds good, count me in. Ive been playing CS for quite a while now... I hope I am good enough though:)

CS rico clan - [CAKE]anonymity - 06-07-2004

I can sorta snipe.

CS rico clan - GRITS - 06-07-2004

ok DL you know I mean you too.....have to have the females we gonna set up a match with those whiners?

couple more players who own know who you are;)

CS rico clan - fritoman - 06-08-2004

razor sock and soul would be good to have.

oh and shalk too.

CS rico clan - Shalk - 06-08-2004

i would be happy but sry... 200 ping in cs is way too rich for my blood.

CS rico clan - soulsolution - 06-08-2004

shalk you pansy..200ping isnt a excuse :>

CS rico clan - Wha? - 06-09-2004

No.. it's a debilitating condition.

CS rico clan - Wanksta - 06-09-2004

I own...Im a hot/sexy CS player that plays rico...I'll join...^_^

CS rico clan - Guest - 06-09-2004

I own at cs ive been playing since betaand been in a few cs-cal clans although ive never been to vads cs-server i would be willing to give it a shot cause i am in no clan as of now.

CS rico clan - Gump - 06-09-2004

let's set a date up for some tryouts or practice games

CS rico clan - Guest - 06-10-2004

That would be fine for me.

CS rico clan - MaGoo. - 06-23-2004

Hey, I'll try out. I suck at CS, but I'll try out. ;)

CS rico clan - g-boy - 07-30-2004

I'd play rarely, but I'd be in. Demolition specialist anyone?

CS rico clan - Olbest - 07-30-2004

tell it to frito then. he's clan leader

CS rico clan - Zerox - 07-30-2004

Can I join? I don't play CS that much anymore, most of the times only with people i know...

And i've played cs for quite a long time (4-5 years) and well... hmm.. i've been called a hacker in lots of servers before, think I'm good enough ^_^:P

CS rico clan - fritoman - 07-30-2004

cool man, sounds good...we set this up for all the rico players that wanted to play CS with us can. what we are doing now is setting up scrims and getting to know the best way to play the maps, 16 is the man for that. we had a 3v3 tonight and had a great time and learned alot.

CS rico clan - meatball` - 08-30-2004

I'l like to play you guys in CS:lol:.
ph34r my cal-im skillz:ph34r:

CS rico clan - Jooza - 08-31-2004

Ooooo, I'll join! I haven't played CS in a while though...


CS rico clan - Guest - 09-24-2004

lmao... ricochet intemidates oppoents lmao. or counter-strike w/e but thats funny.

CS rico clan - RushJet1 - 09-25-2004

I'll join, I can be your dualie specialist:P