DNS for all the Servers - Printable Version

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DNS for all the Servers - GRITS - 10-27-2004

I figure it is easier just to quote Stefan's email than to try and give you a synopsis of the changes.
Those computer geeks in our mist will appreciate the changes that HOLDOUTS is incorporating for our benefit, the rest of you will notice the difference when you play.

Thanks to HOLDOUTS for taking care of his clients


As many of you know, Holdouts has servers located at two co-location
facilities in Columbus, OH. One facility is (all the game servers
currently run there) and the other is (most of the TeamSpeak
servers run there).

We (when I say we I am referring to Holdouts and - we are kind of
like partners) are in process of bringing in our OWN OC-3 connection with
Williams Communications Group ( They have a solid network
and even have a SLA for latency (less than 55ms anywhere on their network).
We had to purchase our own Cisco router (they aren't cheap let me tell you)
and enough spare parts to replace anything that could ever go wrong with it.
Besides the OC-3 connection with Williams, we are also going to have the
router connected via OC-3 connection to a router. This will
provide a mutli-homed (multiple carriers) connection. has
connection with AOL (and couple other carriers) which is good for all the
RoadRunner folks (like me). This router will only be hooked to our stuff. So
all that bandwidth is for us. Besides improving our connectivity, this will
allow us to also lower our price per megabit.

So why am I telling you this? Because we are moving most of our servers
from to This means your IP will probably change. Even
if your particular box isn't moved, your IP may still change because we are
going to shuffle people around. In order that you never have to remember an
IP again, we have created DNS names for the servers. So now wherever you
have hard coded the IP (ftp, game itself, gamespy, etc) for your game
server, you need to use the DNS name. The DNS names are currently working,
so please use them now. You still need to use the port numbers. We won't
change those if we move you.

For your servers on IP:                Please now use DNS:








Thanks for your support in this matter.

edit: I am posting this in two places because only admins can respond in announcements and some of you may want to post a response.

DNS for all the Servers - RushJet1 - 10-27-2004


Maybe this will improve my ping early in the morning?! There's really no reason for it being so bad

DNS for all the Servers - Gwarsbane - 10-27-2004

I have noticed my ping is up on the holdouts servers too. It used to be an everage of 50, now its 80s to 90s as it used to be before the last move.

I also hope the OC-3 will help my ping time.

DNS for all the Servers - GRITS - 10-27-2004

I am wondering if it may have been better for HOLDOUTS to shut down the servers while the changes are being made, I am sure some of these crashes and outrageous pings we are all getting are relative. Let's hope it doesn't take too much longer and that there is a noticeable difference when all is said and done.

DNS for all the Servers - FuzzyShoting - 10-27-2004

OC-3 is not a speed avalible in denmark... yet... i'm just wondering how fast it is ?
hmmm optical fibers ???

DNS for all the Servers - Gwarsbane - 10-27-2004

OC-3 is roughly 155Mbps (Megabits per second)

Roughly thats about 19 megabytes a second, or roughly about (4) 4 meg mp3s per second.

With a larger pipe on this end, your ISP can send things to holdouts a little faster so even way over there you might notice a slightly better ping. (just note that I said might)

I'd rather see the servers still up and running then down for 3 or 4 days. At least the good thing out of all this is that GRITS will be paying less. :D Or if shes still willing to pay the same price, she could open more spots on all the servers. (just an idea to keep in mind)

DNS for all the Servers - GRITS - 10-27-2004

We get a smoking deal already, I think this will just help keep his prices from going up

DNS for all the Servers - Power and Glory - 10-27-2004

Good news for me. Especially when I decide to rent again from him.