Vash 'side' - Printable Version

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Vash 'side' - _Acid_Head_ - 11-12-2004

Trigun.Vash.Ace.Shot,Nov 11 2004, 11:06 PM Wrote:Im The Best. Period.  Im the best arena Player ever I proved it to razor the other day i have no reason to talk any of you guys my job was to be the best and now i am so i have no reason to talk to you guys. I loss complete friendship to all you guys especially razora nd shalk becuz they decided to end the clan it was dumb. If you didnt feel liek the clan was the same you cuolda got the fudge out and let someone else run it. Just like how you let other leaders lead because they arent active enough to run the clan. Quit whining about my name and quit tryin to talk to me i dont wanna talk to you as you see for the past 2 or 3 days. Just leave me be i leave you be, I dont know you you dont know me. End of story.
You're not the best. For one, you didn't beat me once tonight, I am not claiming to be the best because you beat me as much, you know that, sometimes you beat me a lot in a row, sometimes I do, sometimes we are equal in wins, other people beat me sometimes, there is no "best" you egoistical maniac. Another thing, Razor taught you everything you know, he would be equal or BETTER than you if he'd still play as much as you or I, but he doesn't, he's rusty and you actually think you're better than he's ever been because you beat him a week ago, you are currently the full potential of HIS style, by saying you're better than him you're disrespecting the very person that made you what you are today, without Razor you would be a mediocre arena player at this point. Hold a pointless grudge on everyone that left as long as you want, that's your choice, it solves nothing and just makes you look like a complete ass, but I guess that's what you're aiming for, right?

I talked to Beastie tonight, and I'm glad he isn't being a drama queen like you are, his intentions and motivations are far from yours, and still considers me a friendly aquaintance. I don't know what's going to happen with the clans really, they're just tags, but Beastie strongly feels that a clan that's been alive for so long in a game as insignificant as ricochet is something special, and I can understand where he's coming from, but things are kinda difficult right now. One thing is for sure, now that you've spoken your mind I am sure I won't want to share a tag with you, you're the very opposite of a person I'd want to be part of a clan with. I tried resolving things in a friendly way with you, Vash, but you obviously won't have any of that for your own stupid-ass reasons. So be it, I'm sure you wouldn't want to be in the same clan with me right now, either.

edit: Sorry Beastie, you posted as I typed this. It had to be said.

Vash 'side' - Guest - 11-12-2004

acid like i said im done talkin about it why do you even quote me. Im done i dont have to talk to you or no one else. that solves everything who cares. im done trying to do everything i was trying to bring back. i am my own person and i will choose my own ways to move foward without the crap. Im done talkin associating to anyone about this and who was x or even currently RiP im done with all you guys. there no point of even quoting me becuz i will not talk to you guys im done talkin to you guys on the forum please do not involve my name in anything above this point.

I dont want talk you guys just accept that and stop bringing my name up. you dont even have to reply to this I dont want to even talk to any of you guys on the forum who were in RiP. im seperating myself from the stupidness and the best way for me is not to say a word.

Vash 'side' - _Acid_Head_ - 11-12-2004

Trigun.Vash.Ace.Shot,Nov 12 2004, 12:24 AM Wrote:acid like i said im done talkin about it why do you even quote me. Im done i dont have to talk to you or no one else. that solves everything who cares. im done trying to do everything i was trying to bring back. i am my own person and i will choose my own ways to move foward without the crap. Im done talkin associating to anyone about this and who was x or even currently RiP im done with all you guys. there no point of even quoting me becuz i will not talk to you guys im done talkin to you guys on the forum please do not involve my name in anything above this point.

I dont want talk you guys just accept that and stop bringing my name up. you dont even have to reply to this I dont want to even talk to any of you guys on the forum who were in RiP. im seperating myself from the stupidness and the best way for me is not to say a word.
Oh I'm just quoting you incase you decide to delete it, so others can see what a moron you really are. Way to not read my post at all, by the way.

Vash 'side' - Guest - 11-12-2004


Vash 'side' - Guest - 11-12-2004

but really what was the point of that people already know im a moron from the previous time i was banned. you gotta come up with something better than that.

Vash 'side' - Guest - 11-12-2004

you know what all this posting is dumb why dont we forget about it and continue how we were fighting back and forth doesent change anything im not going to talk and you still going to do you do. So heh lets forget about it.

Vash 'side' - _Acid_Head_ - 11-12-2004

All I wanted was a reason why you're acting like you're acting, and I got it, don't worry, I won't "bother" you anymore.

Vash 'side' - Guest - 11-12-2004

ok "acid" that is very "cool"

Vash 'side' - RuNnInG_wIth_ScISsOrS - 11-12-2004

Vash, you are a hybrid of the players that came before you, you have brought nothing new to the table in terms of competition. I mean, even your title is a cheap imitation of another player's, isn't that right, posting expert? Then again, we could go on a tangent and talk about the period issue, but we'll leave it at that.

Vash 'side' - Knightmare - 11-12-2004

If he think he is the best, let him believe that. Seen people w/ egos like this b4, it'll pass. Just let em be.

Vash 'side' - Squish - 11-12-2004

Trigun.Vash.Ace.Shot,Nov 12 2004, 04:24 AM Wrote:acid like i said im done talkin about it why do you even quote me. Im done i dont have to talk to you or no one else. that solves everything who cares. im done trying to do everything i was trying to bring back. i am my own person and i will choose my own ways to move foward without the crap. Im done talkin associating to anyone about this and who was x or even currently RiP im done with all you guys. there no point of even quoting me becuz i will not talk to you guys im done talkin to you guys on the forum please do not involve my name in anything above this point.

I dont want talk you guys just accept that and stop bringing my name up. you dont even have to reply to this I dont want to even talk to any of you guys on the forum who were in RiP. im seperating myself from the stupidness and the best way for me is not to say a word.
GG repeating the same thing over, and over, per post!
GG makin sense!
GG triple post!

Vash 'side' - Guest - 11-12-2004

stfu relinquish you dont have shit to do with none of this we dont need other stupid ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***s adding in makes it worst.

Vash 'side' - FuzzyShoting - 11-12-2004

Trigun.Vash.Ace.Shot,Nov 12 2004, 09:47 AM Wrote:you know what all this posting is dumb why dont we forget about it and continue how we were fighting back and forth doesent change anything im not going to talk and you still going to do you do. So heh lets forget about it.
dont know what they dont understand if you want to leave it.... hmmm

Vash 'side' - Miagi - 11-12-2004

Forums members can see this, and have every right to reply to it as long as it remains open.

This is not a PM, this is not a thread only certain people can reply to, this is on a "community" forum. Yes, yes he does have every right to contribute to a probably soon to be locked thread since its merely pm material and its childish... Grow Up.

I have and will always say this, no one is the best, there will always be someone who comes along who is better than another. Saying you're the best will not get you anywhere, it will just make players avoid playing you due to ignorance. Be the best by helping others. Be the best by teaching them jumps/tactics. Most of all, be the best by enjoying the game.

Vash 'side' - Guest - 11-12-2004

got damn man its done its roasted let it burn i mean im over it who cares. I was being a b**ch about it. why are you repeating something that has been said your input is pointless your just aggravating the situation for sho in the hell your aggravating me. You arent even here. What does this thread say it says Vash and acid and beastie. I dont see miagi. you werent even in RiP so why are you all mixed up in the koolaid.

Vash 'side' - Gwarsbane - 11-12-2004

Take it to PM people.