Need help cakewalking? - Printable Version

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Need help cakewalking? - Wha? - 06-07-2005

This should make it a little less frustrating to learn.

Retrying the moves too quickly may get you a little motion sick, so pace yourself and you should be okay.

Need help cakewalking? - Gragoon - 06-08-2005

Ive never been interisted in cakewalking but that is fun. nice work..really. good explainations and a nice practice map for cakewalknoobs like me

Need help cakewalking? - [CAKE]anonymity - 06-08-2005

I used it in DM after get hit with a push disc, saved myself from giving another person the point. If you can stay on their long enough and fall, it still may not give the other person a point. So its quite handy, plus if your not falling, your alive more to kill.

Need help cakewalking? - FreeFall - 06-09-2005

i've cake walked a couple times but i'm still not very experienced on it. I'm sure you did a nice job on the tutorial but i havn't looked at it. and ya anon is right it'll help if you get hit anddon't wanna lose.

Need help cakewalking? - Ichigo - 06-09-2005

Whats cakewalking when its at home ????

Need help cakewalking? - chochochum - 06-21-2005

Goodjob on that map:) It really helped a lot