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QUIZ - GRITS - 09-26-2005

When I decided to rent servers I had already met evil_admin, although at the time he went by the screen name desNotes. He was the very first admin in the VadaVaka community......

Do you know who the first appointed admin was?

submit your guesses here
a drawing will be made from the names with the correct answer and you will be admin for the day on the server of your choice (HL2DM excluded)

QUIZ - CloudFuel - 09-26-2005

I believe I've got it down to 3:

- Vadavaka, technically *isn't* GRITS
- Gwarsbane
- Wha?

I'm gonna go with G-bane though.

Oh and miss GRITSy... what about your promise from this thread???


QUIZ - Miagi - 09-26-2005

Boo!! I know :P.

In fact EVERYONE should know. Enough hints from me.

QUIZ - NITRO! - 09-26-2005

- Gwarsbane
- Fritoman
- wha?

I have no idea^_^

QUIZ - Gragoon - 09-26-2005

desnotes aka evil_admin :ghost:

QUIZ - Miagi - 09-26-2005

GRITS,Sep 26 2005, 09:23 AM Wrote:Do you know who the first appointed admin was?
Meaning who was asked to be admin first. She already excluded herself and evil:P

QUIZ - CowEater - 09-26-2005

I know, but i already have admin so i wont spoil it for everyone else, but it is not ovbious and you will hit urselves when you find out : )

QUIZ - Power and Glory - 09-26-2005

I know too :D

QUIZ - GRITS - 09-26-2005

the answer is on the website,

this is really more of a scavenger hunt than a quiz, although I think some people already know the answer without seeing it in print

QUIZ - Gump - 09-26-2005

I would say either gwars or frito

QUIZ - Squish - 09-26-2005

Gwars or png

QUIZ - Quickening - 09-26-2005

Jesus everyone knows it was me..GRITS first encountered me and Hylander playing :D

QUIZ - Zerox - 09-27-2005


QUIZ - Dragonforce - 09-27-2005

I know I know!!! Gwarsbane!!!

I think.

I rule you.

QUIZ - fritoman - 09-27-2005

my guess would be wolfdaughter :P

QUIZ - GRITS - 09-27-2005

ok guess the other clue wasnt enough

clue 2
when was the last time you read the news page?

QUIZ - Squish - 09-27-2005

Definately PnG then..

QUIZ - CloudFuel - 09-27-2005

Did I say Gwars? Pshhhh I meant Power & Glory :P

QUIZ - Squish - 09-27-2005

peer pressure always wins..

QUIZ - CloudFuel - 09-27-2005


QUIZ - fritoman - 09-27-2005

seems hardly anyone was thinking "me" <_<

QUIZ - CloudFuel - 09-27-2005

*hugs* the free-toe-man!

QUIZ - =Scope= - 09-28-2005


QUIZ - Zerox - 09-28-2005

I think I mistyped.

I meant Power and Glory :P

QUIZ - fritoman - 09-28-2005

LOL :lol:

QUIZ - GRITS - 09-28-2005

Ok last clue and I am closing this down and selecting a winner

We have a news page that I took the question from, it takes a bit of digging but it is there.
here is a quote from a post this person made, (also found in the forums)
<GRITS asked....>
Quote:"if I get a server would you play on it?" because we were having a tuff time finding a server that didnt have AFKs or asshats on them, and I said sure, as soon as she started up the server she made me an admin, so it was me, des and GRITS as admins and everything was going great so she decided to get another server for the overflow, also at that time I had mentioned to her that I played HLDM and so she made me an admin on her HL server as well

sunday morning someone will be admin for the day.......there is not a whole lot of competition for the spot right now

QUIZ - Dragonforce - 09-28-2005

I'm thinking I like my main man from my clan.......cheers to the FRITOMAN!!

I rule!

I choose you Fritoman

QUIZ - CloudFuel - 09-29-2005

I say I should get it.. you people all took tooooooo long! :P

QUIZ - Squish - 09-29-2005

frito... hmm... i guess this was after chips... and i was on hiatas...


QUIZ - =Scope= - 09-29-2005
