UT2004 Assault Pics - Printable Version

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UT2004 Assault Pics - Power and Glory - 12-30-2005

Been having some fun with game lately. I play on a server (Omnipotents) that runs mostly custom maps. Most have vehicles which spice up the mode. Makes it frustrating on certain maps, but i like it overall.

UT2004 Assault Pics - Blazed - 12-31-2005

damn, those maps look freakin fun, im gonna try out that server.^_^

UT2004 Assault Pics - Squish - 12-31-2005

That does look like a lot of fun... now to get the game for free....:D

UT2004 Assault Pics - Power and Glory - 04-23-2006

Testing my new monitor out. I will be able to screenshot pics at 1680x1050 widescreen resolution now. I am in the process of taking more action oriented shots. This was just a sample. Just make sure you expand the pic when you click on the thumbnail to see the full screenshot.

UT2004 Assault Pics - Blazed - 06-19-2006

hey p&g, you still play on the omnipotents server? what name do you play with? thats like the only server I play on now heh, some of the funniest and craziest maps are on that server. :thumb:

UT2004 Assault Pics - Power and Glory - 06-19-2006

Actually I havn't been on there in a while. Like a good month or so. No particullar reason I just have not played UT2004 in general. I will try to play some this week though as I have finished a couple other games I was playing. I play under the same name.

UT2004 Assault Pics - Power and Glory - 11-26-2006

Adding to the collection.:PNew pics from over the holiday. Now with descriptions.:D

Colors get washed out from converting to jpg but they are still mostly good. All shots taken at 1680x1050 widescreen resolution since that is what my lcd monitors native is. Click on once to enlarge then click on it again for the full clearer widescreen shot.

Descriptions go from left to right.

1: Vehicular Manslaughter:DGuy was standing on the top of a ramp and tried to jump over me. So i just went up the ramp and hit him in midair.

2: It being the holiday season server had santa hats on all of the players.

3: I forget the map name but it is one of my favorite. I like being on defense more on this map. This is the best part of the map. Attackers have to reach the end of the straightaway. Defenders have turrets and tanks to stop alongside regular weapons. Attackers have a assortment of vehicles including the most powerful Leviathan. I am shown here manning a turret.

4: After attackers have mostly pushed through I am here giving health back to the last surviving turret.

5: Highway of death

6:This was unintentional, but it turned out well. I was leaving the spawn area which is up high and landed on a defender who was on foot. Pancakes are yummy.:)

7: Good view of the one castle map. This is from the begining where us attackers have to lower the bridge to gain access. Best part is the end where attackers have to make their way to the top. Defender shooting rockets at me from the other side while I took the screenshot.

8: I forget the name of this vehicle but it has a nice shield for protection. Again I am trying to keep it's health up while it gets hit. Map was called Temple of Boom.

UT2004 Assault Pics - Power and Glory - 01-07-2007

A few more new ones. Most if not all taken around Christmas as you can see by the santa hats we have on.

Descriptions of pics:

1: Mario theme map where each team has to make it to the others castle and touch the keyholes to unlock more and special vehicles. Showing off the more vibrant colors of this custom map.

2: Same map climbing the mountain where I can find a place to snipe. Oppenents base way in the background.

3: Differant map . Killing Spree for 5 in a row without dying and a Ultra Kill for 5 in rapid succesion.:)

4. Same map as #3 but taken right the last one after I got the 6th kill for a Monster Kill. :D

5: Underground map with lava. Nice effects with the lava shooting out of the ground.

6: The Assault mode verson of Counter Strike's Dust. Yes the guns look big since they are custom weapons for this map.

7: A part of the map that should look familiar to some. I'm on top trying to pick off a couple of attackers after their vehicle blew up.

8: Funny Bush pic in the map.

9: Our mode of transportation for 2 men to get to the bomb site faster to defend. Vehicles do not take alot of damage on this map so it doesn't unbalance it. I shortly died after getting in due to a ambush.

10: Sniping as a few come out of the tunnel. I got a few before someone noticed me up there.