Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - Printable Version

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Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - NITRO! - 02-02-2007

Happy Birthday, mom²:D

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - 8-up - 02-02-2007

Happy birthday! :wub:

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - fritoman - 02-02-2007

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRITS!!!!!!!!!! :thumb::thumb:

Josh says Happy Birthday also :P

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - Turtle - 02-02-2007

Happy Birhtday GRITS!:bday:

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - Noose - 02-02-2007

Happy birthday GRITS:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - FuzzyShoting - 02-02-2007

Happy 40th birthday :)

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - GRITS - 02-02-2007

Thank you to all of you......even fuzzy, who still thinks he knows my age, those of you that really do..... know better :)

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - Ichigo - 02-02-2007

happy 21st G^_^

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - Power and Glory - 02-02-2007

Happy Birthday.:thumb:

Did you see your shadow? Oh wait..........that's the groundhog I'm thinking about. :P

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - zig - 02-03-2007


Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - Gragoon - 02-03-2007


Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - Reciprocity - 02-03-2007


Happy one to you m'lady.

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - =Scope= - 02-04-2007

Happy birthday GRITS!!!!!
Wait now how old are u going on 19:P:)))))

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - [CAKE]anonymity - 02-04-2007

happy bday G. i got an assist last night for you in hockey. Which i think is pretty good cuz i only touched the puck once in the offensive zone.

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - Dragonforce - 02-04-2007

Our lady and liege is having a special day.... YAY for her and I am finally glad that she is 22 so I can be the youngin with her.... YOU FINALLY PASSED ME!!!

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - Quickening - 02-05-2007

O NO. I was out of town and didn't check the internet.

Happy belated Birthday GRITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - VashetheR - 02-06-2007

happy b-day.

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - SNOWDAWG - 02-06-2007

Little late but, Happy BirthDay!!!!! :thumb::toast:

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - CowEater - 02-13-2007

wow.. im later than late. HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear!

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - Shalk - 02-21-2007

happy birthday grits:)

Happy Birthday GRITS!! :) - Chentvin - 03-01-2007

Happy Birthday Grits^_^

(I'm almost 1 month late sry:ph34r:)