New Junior Admins - Printable Version

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New Junior Admins - GRITS - 08-17-2003

This is not a spurr of the moment decision.
I hope I can answer any questions you guys have about my decision.
Two of the new admins had been in 'discussion' with me before their leave of absence, they have both been playing under aliases lately....I just happen to know their wonids and also they both have recognizable styles....for example my head always seems to be on a pad when I play them. :wacko:They both have ALWAYS been rule followers and know what is expected on the servers. I decided to reapproach them now that PuNkGiRl has said she will be leaving and since we don't know when to expect Wolfdaughter back.
Turtle is a different story and did a lot more than just ask if he could be admin. He plays some different hours than most of our admins and has been documenting problems with xxx in the logs for over a month now of when he was on and no admin was available to handle bad situations, he also teaches new players. I am a scientist by trade this data impressed me and showed me two things...Turtle was serious about the responsibilities of being an admin and he was indeed playing at times when we need an admin on the server.
evil_admin and I are working on some benefits for some regulars that would come without the admin responsibities but would help make the game more fun and 'new' again for some of the players who have hung around.

New Junior Admins - Shalk - 08-17-2003

i was wondering now when there are 3 more Junior admins, 3 old junior admins will become Senior?

New Junior Admins - Guest - 08-17-2003

Shalk,Aug 17 2003, 06:49 PM Wrote:i was wondering now when there are 3 more Junior admins, 3 old junior admins will become Senior?
I think that when the time comes GRITS will move who she feels needs to go up, up, and leave those that don't were they are. As it is, I don't think we Older Junior Admins need that move yet.

New Junior Admins - Quickening - 08-17-2003

GRITS,Aug 17 2003, 11:42 AM Wrote:evil_admin and I are working on some benefits for some regulars that would come without the admin responsibities but would help make the game more fun and 'new' again for some of the players who have hung around.
I've been here the longest :D I'm still hangin..err barely :)

New Junior Admins - Power and Glory - 08-17-2003

Shalk I think you are misreading what Grits said. The new Junior Admins are basically filling in the spots of people who may not be with us much longer. PunkGirl will be leaving us soon and we don't know yet or if ever Wolf is coming back. RWS is another that has not been around to my knowlege. Grits is just filling the holes.

New Junior Admins - CloudFuel - 08-17-2003

Yes I asked Grits to please consider some uT members for spots and since I'm not around often I openly requested for me not to be even considered. I believe that the group we have is well prepared and I have confidence that they will do a fine job. Hats off to you gentlemen...

New Junior Admins - Power and Glory - 08-17-2003

There was already 2 uT members as admins already Cloud (Chentvin and RWS). Now there is 3. It's hard to consider people who don't play. Turtle, Chentvin, and SS are the only ones I see play now.

New Junior Admins - Knightmare - 08-17-2003

Thank you:)

I will probably rarely use theses admin powers...
but if need be, i will.

Don't worry, i wont be kick happy... me = hard to get upset

New Junior Admins - jabbahunt - 08-18-2003

Congrats new admins, welcome, welcome, welcome. Your game will be more fun now as well as making it fun for others.

New Junior Admins - fritoman - 08-18-2003

congrats to all the new admin!!!! you guys are great choices and I know you will do a fine job.


New Junior Admins - Scrye - 08-18-2003

:(aaawwww..... when do i get to be admin, lol

New Junior Admins - noxious - 08-18-2003

Congradulations Scrye, you are now admin. Of my server. That doesnt, exist. Yet. Err... it never will...

New Junior Admins - GRITS - 08-18-2003

ooooh nox......don't you tease Scary:angry:he's a good guy:thumb:

New Junior Admins - Scrye - 08-18-2003


i`m now an admin for a non-existing server!!!
lol, HELL YEAH!!!:D

New Junior Admins - Guest - 08-19-2003

I tell you, you get all the easy jobs.

New Junior Admins - RushJet1 - 08-19-2003

Interesting- so with more admins, we can get better protection against "hackers" and people who flood servers, avoid filters, etc. Just lay off the fireworks...:)

New Junior Admins - Guest - 08-19-2003

Jr. Admin's don't have access to the fireworks, and senior admins know that GRITS will slap wrists with anyone who abuses their access anyway.:)

New Junior Admins - kermit - 08-19-2003

yeah, they have access to fireworks.

New Junior Admins - Guest - 08-19-2003

shhh. don't go giving that away.

New Junior Admins - [CAKE]anonymity - 08-23-2003

its a good choice for admins, grits and who ever was in the decision makeing process. Welcome to the team, just remever know owning other admins:P

New Junior Admins - noxious - 08-23-2003

Shit I want fireworks. Why do they have to stop selling them soon as the 4th ends? They should be a year round product. Seasonal my *

New Junior Admins - jabbahunt - 08-23-2003

in tenn. its fireworks yearround to sell them, but you can't use them in any cities even on 4th