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mm afternoon walks - soulsolution - 08-27-2003

ok as some of you know im a large person B)...couple years back i was walking everywhere to get into shape..sorta worked out but not exactly...then i i just got back from walking and my legs are about to come off heh..anyways i know there are lots of ppl out there that are big..and my question is what kind of exercising\diets blah blah blah would help out to lose weight fast..but yet keep it off for good..

mm afternoon walks - g-boy - 08-27-2003

Take a physiology course... you learn what exactly your body needs, how it's used, etc. Especially if you have a good teacher that tells you straight up what the deal is.

But basically, a true diet is really only necessary for an excessively obese person. For someone who is just overweight, the idea is to eat the right things (protein, carbohydrates, avoid saturated fat) and then use it. Meaning, food is fuel... from carbohydrates you get the energy to move your muscles. Fats will also give energy. The unused "fuel" is stored as adipose tissue, aka body fat. In other words, eat relevant foods... you don't need a dietician to tell you what to eat, just eat stuff with grains, meat, vegetables, fruits, whatever your body needs. Then go exercise... and do it a lot. Unfortunately people get the idea of just going on a diet to avoid too much exercise. No matter how you do it, exercise will be the determinant of not only how you look, but as well as your overall health. Now, some people are naturally just shaped certain ways, and some have no problem keeping off the weight, especially when they're young. But there is a lot of talk about metabolism, skinny people having fast metabolisms and such. Here's the thing... you control your metabolism, and all you do to speed it up is to exercise. So run... jog... ride a bike... do whatever you actually WANT to do. Having a routine also helps.

mm afternoon walks - Turtle - 08-27-2003

Well, my mom has lost 50 some pounds on this diet that she's on. It's the Atkins Diet. You eat alot of meats and anything without carbs. Do some research on the internet for it and try the diet. I was on it for about a week and lost 10 pounds in one week so you loose pretty quickly.

mm afternoon walks - Sockhole - 08-27-2003

You might know this already, but for burning calories and after factoring in convenience, imo nothing beats jogging plus a bottle of water as your daily exercise. Find one of those calorie burning calculators and compare the numbers for certain things if you're curious. Personally, I mountain bike but I'll be the first to admit that it's not always the best for burning calories. It can be good if you're really determined to lose weight, but it doesn't force you to continually exert yourself like jogging does. I take it way too easy on the flat parts usually. Especially if I'm biking with friends and chatting it up.

Also start taking the longer and harder route during your day to day routine (ie. start taking the stairs when you can, climbing stairs is really good for burning calories too).

mm afternoon walks - GRITS - 08-27-2003 matter what diet and exercise plan you decide to go on...and don't be stupid and try and kill yourself....think of how embarrassed you would be if you fainted because you crash diet....Water.... as much as you can drink without making yourself sick....yeah I know it means a lot more trips to the bathroom....but eventually your body gets use to it....water is the best thing to help wash away whatever you burn up.....more than 8 glasses a day...I drink about 3.5 litres a day and can eat about anything I want without putting on any weight or changing my routine....I do work out a minimum of 3 days a week but only about an hour...and I am talking good ol' fashion water....not diet drinks athough unsweetend tea seem to be ok for me.
Atkins does work for a lot of people...but not be careful....and remember if you are doing this for a girl.....some of us like big guys:wub:so long as they are healthy and wont die on us because of a weight problem
and if you need a cheering section or can either PM me or post here since you are confident enough to make this post because I know there are a lot of guys here that would give you the huuuurahhhs you need to do it.:thumb:

mm afternoon walks - soulsolution - 08-27-2003

after being teased as much as i have..i could careless what ppl think of me..and no this isnt for a girl..its for myself..just gettin some ideas on what i should do and go about...right now im taking it slow..30 min walk everyday for awhile..speed up abit,take longer walks etc.

besides i think most ppl are mature about these things..if somebody "generally a kid" comes on here starts a flame war over who is bigger..they have some major malfunctions

mm afternoon walks - GRITS - 08-27-2003

Cool I think walking is the best...not real strenuous and you can do it till you want to stop and just increase as time goes on.

mm afternoon walks - PIX - 08-27-2003

Look man...I lost 30 pounds in 30 days when I was applying to the Air Force Officer's School.
You go buy some Metabolife (or anything else with ephedrine in it) and take the recommended
dosage each day. Eat a piece of toast for breakfast, a can of tuna for lunch and a chicken breast
for dinner. Also ride a stationary bike or treadmill for 30 minutes a night to burn off the calories.
Drink water ALL day long non stop. Get you a half gallon water bottle and keep it full. Drink every
second you can think of it. You will pee like crazy all day. As said before...water is the key. It also
keeps your stomach full. Do this and you will lose about 5-7 pounds in about 3 days....i swear. Then
you will lose about 2-3 every other day. Of course you will probably put on 4-5 each weekend but just
ride a little harder on the bike or treadmill. I do this about twice a year with my goal of losing a bunch
of weight so I can get back to eating my junkfood. Yes, I'm sure I will get blasted for this but you WILL
lose the weight and lose it fast. Actually the BEST way to lose weight fast is to get hooked on methamphetamine
but that is slightly ILLEGAL. Good Luck.

The following is not recommended for anyone with heart or lung conditons, pregnant women, children or
people with conjoined fetus syndrome. PIX posts this disclaimer to all to protect himself from frivolent lawsuits)

mm afternoon walks - jabbahunt - 08-27-2003

To be honest, if your heart ain't pumping you ain't dumping. People wonder why they work so hard and don't lose weight, well most people learn to pace themselves after awhile. I have started to enjoy and am now doing this without giving up anything. Do everything with vigor, if its cutting the lawn, break a big sweat, time yourself and try to compete against yourself, if its wallking to the mailbox, run to it. unloading a truck at work, make a game on how fast you can do it. In other words, create some energy, some with pain, then all else will fall off, and you will have a tremendous time doing it.

mm afternoon walks - Sockhole - 08-27-2003

I don't feel going hardcore a few months of the year is the way to go. Sure he might lose a pound a day eating small amounts of food and urinating like crazy (not fun), but it doesn't sound like an especially good way to keep the weight off. One certainly would not look forward to these sessions. It can be difficult to keep weight cycling up in the long run and some doctors believe it can cause psychological problems (ie. like PIX) and increase health risks. Hence his disclaimer =) Don't get sucked in by the idea of weight cycling. Just have patience. It's about breaking old habits and forming new ones. Your goal should be to exercise regularily while still eating a balanced diet.

I would do the walking until you feel you're ready you can jog a reasonable amount of time. Or jog 5, walk 1. Something like that. I know I said have patience but walking is like wasting time:PYou could probably burn off more calories in 10 minutes of jogging then you could in 30 minutes of walking.

Good luck.

mm afternoon walks - kermit - 08-28-2003

i was a chubby kid in 8th grade (and all grades before i was never athletic and prefered playing nintendo to soccer. well, i decided that i was going to get outdoors and get some fresh air for a i walked for about 1 hour around my neighborhood everynight...just so i could think basically and ponder things. i found myself not snacking so much since i was busy w/ music and art...though i ate regular sized meals. halfway through the school year, i saw my reflection in a window and realized that i was actually thin...i lost 30lbs. it was one of the happiest moments of my confidence soared and girls started passing me love letters and such (probably due more to my newfound confidence than my waistline btw). i had my first kiss that was nice.

mm afternoon walks - fritoman - 08-28-2003

soul if you want you can come up to Rolla and work out with me, I have joined a gym here and love going up and working out, but it would be better if I had a work out buddy, it costs 22 dollars a month and is worth every penny, I feel much better about my self and have a lot more energy. if you want to IM me and we can set up times.


mm afternoon walks - PIX - 08-28-2003

The only phychological problem I have is that I am addicted to food. Dieting is the HARDEST
thing I have ever done in my life.

mm afternoon walks - soulsolution - 08-28-2003

that would be great frito..but right now at the moment im not gonna do it :>..when i get my license "yes 18 with no license..isnt that great...long story" ill talk to you..but it might be a few months or so..let me get walking down for now so i know i wont pass out by actually doing things :lol:

mm afternoon walks - g-boy - 08-28-2003

It's all good... I'm 18 and don't have my license either. My parents believe people should only start driving when they're 18, not 15 or 16, especially with all the traffic and accidents in southern California. Man it's annoying. So anyway, still have my permit, and appointments at the dmv are hard to get, so maybe October or something I'll take the driving test. Turns out it really doesn't matter, because at my college, unless you win a parking lottery thing (like 10 percent of freshman get parking), you're not even ALLOWED to bring a car, because there is no where to put it. Everything is bike accessible and we get free bussing to anywhere in the county, a car isn't even necessary.

mm afternoon walks - [CAKE]anonymity - 08-28-2003

I disagree with jabbas point, once your heart rate gets up their, u enter a carbo burning zone, don't get my wrong its great to keep in shape, but not to lose weight. If your heart rate is a bit lower you will be in the fat burning zone, low intensity endurance stuff is the best, thats why kermit was able to lose 30 pounds by walking. BTW you burn the same amout of calories jogging as you do by walking, i've heard this by a number of reliable sources.

mm afternoon walks - soulsolution - 08-28-2003

30 min walk = burned 300 calories. dont know about jogging

mm afternoon walks - Sockhole - 08-29-2003

Good job ... I would stick with walking as well then. I suppose another thing about jogging is that for some people it can be really bad on your joints.

mm afternoon walks - [CAKE]anonymity - 08-29-2003

soulsolution,Aug 28 2003, 02:16 PM Wrote:30 min walk = burned 300 calories. dont know about jogging
sounds about right soul, i would also suggest bikeing, low impact but good for cardio, probably burns the same amout of calaories.